The Austin Papers, Vol. 1 Pt. 1

' THE AUSTIN PAPERS. 3 Emily :l\1 B Austin to .finish her ·Education at 'the 'Hermitage Academy, where she remnined untill Octbr· 1812, James Elijah B. Went on to Connecticutt and Was put· to the Revd- Mr. Whitteley of the Town of Washington.: 1816 April 20 Moses Austin and Family removed from Mine A Burton and Gave up Durham Hall Negroes and Plahtatlon together [with] Lead Mines and furnaces ·to his son Stephen F Austin. • 1818 James Elijah Brown son of·Moses Austin returned from Connecticut, remained at·Home,'untill June 1819 when he went ·to Kentucky Near Nicholas Ville to' finish ·his education under a Mr Wilson. 1819 Stephen ·F Austin left the Territory of Missouri and went to reside in the Territory of Arkansas. Red River at Long Bran[ch] 1 1820 lvfoses Austin left Missouri about the 1st. of May 1820 and went to the Little Rock in the Territory Of Arkansas where he remained· Some l\fonths after which he Proceeded on to San Antonio where he Arrived (after a journey through a perfect wilderness and attended with much fatigue) about the 10 th • of Decemr.·Same Year, he there pe[ti]tioned the Supreme Authorities· of New Sp'ain, through his Excellency Don Antonio JYiartinez (theh Govr· and Political Chief· Of this Province of Texas) for a grant of Land and Permission to Settle 300 American families in that Province. ',I'he petition was forwarded on to his Excellency Don Aredondo then Govr· Gen 1 • of the Internal Eastern Provinces of New Spain who confirmed the Grant after a Previous decree of the Provincial Deputation (then • assembled at the City of Monterrey) to ;that affect, and the neces- • sary papers were forwarded on to San Antonio immediately. :Moses·· Austin left San Antonio on the· 29 th • . o~ Decemr· (previous to the confirmation of the Grant) and after a tedious and distressing jour- ney he reached the Settlements on the Sabine River not having tasted • any kind of Nourishment for 8 Days. Their-Provisions having failed •and the powder they supplied themselves·1with proved to be so dam- aged they could not kill any Game altho the Cou4try abounded in Game of all Kinds. his ha,rdships were so severe that he was taken with the Fever and confined to his bed 3 weeks at 'the house of Mr. Hugh McGuffin 20 :Miles west of Natchitoches, ·at this place he was met by his Nephew Elias Bates who had left Herculam, ~{o. Some time in Decemr· in pursuit of him. As soon .as he could travel they started together, descended Red River to the MissisP 1 and Arrived at Herculaniu.m soi:ne time in lviarch 18_21. The journey proved to great for his Constitution 'which was •much impaired Nevertheless he commenced Settleing his affairs·in ~Io. with the intention of return- ing to Texas i:h August following, but unfortunately he took a cold ,vhen at the :.Mine a Bt~rton, _but reached_his daughter's J\fr■• Emily

1 To this point the re9ord :WllB written by..Moses Austin. ,

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