Sundries Del" by J Austin_i.n ,the v~qage_ 1803 Oct• 24 for 2 baggs shott______________________________ 103.. Nov• 13 1 D 0 D 0 _______________________________:: 51 1804 Feby 2 1 1 /2 D0 D0-------- ,_•_.,;.. , •.:..!.l-' ,--- •--- ·, , 6'0 • August 9 6 D 0 D 0 -------------------------------- 307½ ,.,621 ½. 10/52. 10 Sept 4 4 boxes shott 1332.,.-.------..:.a.-.:..:.---.::___,.______ ._.._,_ ~,L. _._____ • 133. 20 1~05 .. July 30 1 D 0 D 0 236½_.;,.,________ ,._.___.,_:..____ .:.,.:__;_.:...:.___ =::.-..:..._ , 1 23. 65 2 barrels pork--------------~~~--'--~~~..:J~__.:,____ ~ ...~--- ', 30.00 1 D 0 D 0 at Cape_____.:,__ :_·_..;_.·__ .:;_..:..c•--..:--..:-----'"-- 15. 00 65 red skins-----------------~~----,.:__.__.._.;,_~___.______ ._.J._ ; , 32. 50 13 1/2 lb shaved skins___________.;,_____________"--~---- 5.40 .
-$599. 45
for 5 boxes and ten baggs for the shott_________________ C' By 1 ps blue Cloth___________________________,...,__,..__- ____.:.;. 32: 0·: 1 PS green D 0 ----------------------------------------- 15.50 1 ps D 0 _________________________________________
7. 00
$63.0 '
Memorandum of an agreement ·made-·and entered into this 14 th clay of Sept.. 1805 between Moses Austi~ of the one 'part·,9f ·J?iere de Luziere of the other part ,vitnesseth tli.at',the' ~aid Luzier~. £or and in consid,eration of the sum of bvo 4undreq.: Dollars-to.be,p:Uiq to the said Luziere or his Heirs or Assigns on or before the first day of January · 1806 and also the sum of two ·'Ht~~dred· _Dollars _:pe_~ ye_ar paid quarterly to the said Luziere his Heir~ or_Assigns.commencing tlw first Day of January 1806 and •fo continue i'.mtill the.·full end term and expiration of a partnership now existing .between- said Austin Luziere and John Rice Jones concerning the Mine A Burton all ~hich payments are to be made into the said Luziere by the said Austin without default to the said Luziere hath :hereby released all his right title interest demand claim or profit in and to any part of the Land on which said Austin· now lives a.nd ·also to·any part of the profits of a Lead Manufactory or other establishment. now on said Land confirming· u.nd warranting the same unto • sd Austin his Heirs and Assigns from him .the said Luziere his Heirs and Assigns ·for ~ver .In witness whereof the said parties have here- unto ~et _their hands and seals the day and Date above mentioned AARON ELLIOTT ANTE. DUBREUIL [Rubric] pre. DELASSUS DE LUZI.ERE [Rubric] [SEAL.J Mos:ES A usTIN [SEAL.]
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