of the disposition: :of .a· part of the. people. It ·was with no small reluctance I entered •on the Duties of my Office being persuaded Sattisfaetion could not be given, The insufficiency·of iny own Abili- ties to~ther w:ith d.i~positions mnnifested in som~ of th~ members of the Court Knqwn td be 1Jnfriendly towards our government render'd the discharge o'f my Duties still more Difficult and disagreeable. That I mar h~ve .commited Errors in Judgment is·possibie but~ nm Conscience of no offence Unless it be an Offence to disagree in Opinion with my Opponents. I have only to ask of your Excellency thnt I may have an Oppe1tunety of seeing a Copy of the Charges that may be exhibited by John Smitti and others that I may make my refutation. 2 The Justice I owe myself family and my friends require that I Should hold my Office untill a· termination of this business. After which your Excellency has made ·such ·a decree as in your Judgment may seem proper. I shall leave myself at your '·Excellency's disposal. Nothing but the malicious prosecution Commenc'd ,against me could create a' wish to ·retain the Office I have the Honor now to hold. Be my fate what It may be in the termenation of this Undertakeing, I have an internal Sattisfaction the Calumniators of a World can- not take from me Warmly inclin'd towards my Mother Country and Government, Tenacious of her Honor and Dignity I may have View'd the Conduct of my Opponents with _to scrupulous an Eye I have Ever wish'd a harmony and union of Opinion might take place between the French and Americans and with :confidance do I Declair that Its not my fault there exists a. Difference "With the fullest con[fi]dence of your Excellency disposition to ,do justice to all parties. • • • ' • . • ·' • ' MosEs AusTIN. [Rubric] . To His Excellency James Wilkinson St. Louis .-- BiLi:.. 'AND PrucE LtST PE'rER 1f.A N AR l Menn rd l To Moses Austin and Co-Dr, 1800 Jan' 15th for 50, lbs shotL-~--.!..--•----------:....:.____._ _;.:.:_.!. •,. 6. 00 1801 . ,Sept 15 :for 139 lb ~('fee..:_....!.__________________,..__.___._ 111. 20 3ul lb sugar__________~----~------------- 140. 00 1802. Sept '2:l for 1000 lb lead S Jame~---------~~---~-,_------ 50. 00 . 307.60 • On the subsequent appointment and..d1.smlasal ot Smltb !row thl11 :olllce see -Bntea to Austin, September 12; 1807, • • • • ' • • • • ' • 1 1"1 ' ,, '
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