The Austin Papers, Vol. 1 Pt. 1




· Mr. =MosES AUSTIN. ·srn.' '

:Please :tc>'.°.pay,:Maj~r .Seth.)Ju~t)ifty· nine .dotlars and severity nin~ cents.and pJ_ac~-tli~ same ·_to the ~count of Sir Yours etc., St, Genevieve i6. J'ime ·1sq5 . • • w ILL C. CARR . ' . [Rubric]


MosEs AUSTIN: Esqr.

To, .i\1exr·.• M;e:N ~fr: Dr.

.. 1805


July 8 11'· To f Small Trunk_________________________.J._____:___,.,._____ $2. 50 1 Bn;,c~ . - .,. ,---,... _.- .-- ; . ____ , 1 _______ • - ; ,---. ---; ---. ___ . __• • 1 • 1. Cash paid negro for carringe of - etc to Tumblestons lnn______ . . 50 Cash_paid for freight of Trunk and Box to Pittsburgh_..:_______ '7. 00

$11. 00 from Pittsburgh ~o -Saint ~uis..,.,.;--.-.,-----"------------ 2. 00



0 Mine A Burton July 22 th • 1805

To i 0 Iis Excelfehcy :JAiiEs WILKINSON •• H3:veing this day recv'd,_a letter from John Smith of St Geriveive Stateirig that he is prosecq.ting measures to ,_obtain Certificates in •Order to lay before your Excellency to effect my removal from Office, 1 I have taken the liberty to address your Excellency on the subject. few men in public Stations escape the milignant tongues of the rest- less members of society. • I ti1ere£ore Aught not to be surpris'd that at this moment of party ma.clness, I am marked Out As a Victim to disappointed ambition. It is well known that I never had a wish to be notic'd in the appointments of Govr· Harrison. No man· is more fully c0nvinced of the Difficulties of holding an Office in a Country Where ·theipeople are so little accustomed to the American form of ~ov_erm:nent then myself It is next to impossible to bring men into 'me'asures they cannot Judge of, Ignorant of all the principles of our Government-they View things with an'evil eye. from this knowledge

1 Judge ot the Court ot Common Plc.ns nnd Quarter Sessions, Ste. Genevieve district, orcanized December 11, 1804. Houck, .d. .Hi8tor11 of Mu,o·uri, ~tc., II, 383.

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