The Austin Papers, Vol. 1 Pt. 1



I am also disposed to furnish my son money necessary ':for such e2q:>enses as is proper for a young Gentim in his ·situation 'both -for clothing and the Pockett Yet I wish·my Boy to know that improper uses may be made with money and that any Degree of profligateness will not be tolerated by me you· will suffer him to ·clothe' himself sutable for the first circles in Society i I he ·will perfect himself in • • Bran , ( n a· Draft for 160$ which I trust has been forwarded to you . •Majr Hunt I expect will also pay for me 100$ more.and I shall take care to forward in :Money in Due time for his use •In you my 'D Fr I have full confidence you will act the father and Tuteror and transmitt .to me:, j.nfermation how he progresses in his studies. Musick If he has a turn that way I have transmited to Mr Nath 1


Marietta June 8 1805

1'{ G. W. Treat

Bot. of Benj 11 • Ives Gi]m·an 1 l\fill Saw________________ _----. _______________________ . . ____:_____ ldoz Sickles___________ '-------------- '---------------· ____ •_______ 5 p• Linen 177½ yds @ ·55__________ 1..._ ..:__•___;__ _;_,_________.:.,_______..;___ , 1 ps Check 26 " @ 46---- --------------------'-------------------- 5 ps blue Handkf" @-----------------------~~- ~----~--~~- ~------~~~- . • 6 Rules @ 30___________________ ·------ •_______• _ -________ •~------- 8 yds Country Linen@ 50----------------~------~------------------ 4 Draws Knives @ 70 ________________ _: ____ ~ __: ___:.:_..:_______________·_ 4 " " . @ 6Q______ '--------· _. __, --. -- •' ' . - ' .• -- ._ ·------- '

,14.. 00 10.50 97.62 11.96 23. 44

1.80 4.00 2.80 2. ,40

~168.52 : I • [Endorsed by Moses Austin:] G W Treat Not~ paid June. s: 180~ Gilmans Invoice • NoTE OF HAND·· Marietta June 8th 1805 For.value received t promise to pay Ben- jamin Ives Gilman or order the sum of-one hundred and sixty-seven Dollars and Thirty-two cents, payable in Lead at five Dollars p.hun- dred, to be delivered at St. Genevieve in six months from this Date- for 1Y1[osEs· AusTIN.1] Witness- G. W. TREAT. JoHN .CREED Paid in Lead

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