The Austin Papers, Vol. 1 Pt. 1

rHE ·A US TIN PAPERS 93 that my life-should be shortened keep in minde that this may hap- pen. .:Youi.· Dea-r Mother [and J Sister Emily send you their Blessing as also Mrs. James Austin and family 1 I have heard that Doct. Elliot is on the Ohio and I . Daly Expect him ..You will make my best respects to ~fr and Mrs. Penniman and may the Ble5sing of your God be always with you · .. , MosES .AUSTIN, [Rubric] [Addressed:] M,r • Stephen Fuller,.Austin ·Colchester, Connecticut.

MosES AusTIN TO --- 1 ' ' ; •


I I Your favour was handed me by M1~ Penneman ·on· his arrival' at this place. I am fully sattisfied with the'arrangement Mr Penneman has made respecting my son Stephen. the great distance Colchester is from this Country renclere<;l ~t,impossible for me to give any abso- lute opinion to Mr. Penneman •as to the·p·ropriety of his choice of Colchester but .such is my confidence in my friend that I am sattis- fied with the disposition he has made. It cannot but ,be pleasing to me to here my Boy so well spoken of and I have ·a hope :under your tuition he will give me no reason to repent the confi<lence._I haYe placed in those to whome I have commited him in charge-·· I have a dispossition that Stephen should go through·the·Classicks in short I. wish to make him a scholar yet I must confess I have for many years disapproved of spending month [s] and year[s] ori_'.the G;·eek and Hebrew. I never have thought either of those. languages. of much advantage to a man of business, and as I do not wish my son to make devinity his study, [I should like] as little time spent in q-reek and Hebrew as is consistent with the regulations of the Acacl 1 • If his talents will justify I wish him for the Barr but I have so many times· in my :life' blamed Fathers 'for 'pl~essfog on their' sons a pro- fession nature never intended them for that I shall make ·of him what Nature has best calculated him to be I want him to enter Yale as soon as he is prepared but I have µ,·Request to make which I hope will not interrupt his regular studies and that is: that he may be constantly reminded ·of the·necessity of improving his hand wi·it- ing-· • I have a great desir'e he sho'uld write·well both ·as to.the·hand ,vrite·and·bomp·ositio·n-...,. pr~ctice ·will bring ·writing :both easy 'ancl pleasing.' : ·a· Correct·h.10de of ·thinldng·both Religious and·Political is of.·consequence and ·aught to be early implanted in the mind of man I do not wish my son a Bigot in Either, but correct Moral principles is of the first consequence such I trust you-will-impress on his mind. • Original In possesslo11 ot Mrs. Emmet; l,, Perq, ' • ' ; • •

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