,THE; AUSTIN : PAPERS. 93 ing_him to yo~~r -friendly .pr_o~ction and.depending on you.for .in- formation .J~·o:rr;i.. time.,to. time.Respecting .his .Conduct, ·! _.trust him to .your Care-:- 1 • • • •
,[Endorsed::J.Letter to Daniel.Phelps.
Dr Doct Geor~e Fisher . .
To :Moses Austin, ,Dr •
To_Amount of a/~.settled ,i~ ,1'uly 20 1804-'..,i---,----'-------------- $841. 35 To_2 _D~af.t.~ .9n} 'iew Yor~ n~d. ,Washington.,.:--:-:.---.,.--.:._________·___ 600. 00
To Moses and James Austin Dae them_____________________________
65. 76
. $1507. 11 •Balance Due --:---.:.---:---.--------.-------------+-----,---,---;-, , 485. 83
c• 'By Amount ·j,our.' A/C Settled in ._July ,29 1804__.__;_____ ~ ___ .,; ____ _ By Freight 043G Lead to N~w O,rleans_..,.__ !..___..:._..:__________..:.,..._____ By my acceptance in your favour:for Price----,----------------- • By Balance Int~est to A/C-~-~~----------~---:__----~----~----
1504 69 94 35 150 00 243 90
:M:osEs AuSTIN TO STEPHEN F: AusTIN 1 • • ' I :
S~: Geneive Deer. 16 th
., 1804.
•. Your·letter Dated'26 th ' of Septi-_. came to hand in Due time and be assur 4 It g~\'ve 'in.expressable plea~ure to your Dear Mother and Sister as well ·as fo:n.Jl yom; friends. 1 ·Your troubles on your Journey will learn you ·a little of·what"you ·are to expect to meet with in life. I am sorry for the situation:of :it:r Phelps and hope he may y~t Recover his health·and ,pi·operty-:' I am greatly pleased that you are placed under theicare of s'o gbod ·a·friend as Mrs Penniman I am confident she·will take as ·good care of you as myself. I hope and pray you will imr,1~ove Every moment of time to the utmost advantage and that I ·shall have the sattisfaction of seeing that my expectations are not Di~a.p1Jointed: i remember my Dear Son that the present is the mo- ment : to -lay: the·-foundation :for' your future greatness in life .that much mone/mt1stl be expended before your·Education is finished and • ' ' , . , 1 01·lglnal In possession of Mrs. Elmmett L. Perr7,
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