The Austin Papers, Vol. 1 Pt. 1

THE AUSTIN PAPERS. 999 with his family and all Concerned in the transaction baok over the Sabine River. seventh-A Number of Gentlemen of high respectability living at Nachitoches, Rapide, and other parts of Louisiana have written to me requesting any information in my power to give whether the lvlexicnn Government would probably establish a mail as far as the River Sabine-They inform me that if such a thing was done there was no doubt the [Govt.] of the United States of North America would order the l\Iail on that side to meet the one from this at the Sabine-I beg leave most respectfully to suggest to the Govt· that many benefits might probably arise to the whole l\1exican Nation as well as to this State if an arrangement of this kind Could be ef- fected once a Month or even once in two :Months. 1st. It would afford the means of Conveying the Correspondence between the l\1exican Government to their :Minister at ·vv ashington the whole distance by Land without the hazard of delay or mis- carriage incident to the transportation of documents by sea. 2d. It would open a Certain, regular and direct Channel for the Conveyance of letters and Newspapers from every part of either Nation to every part of the other, thereby affording great facilities to :Merchants on either side in their Commercial Communications, and presenting an opportunity for the mutual exchange of News- papers and the dissemination of foreign intelligence rec 4 at the ports of the United States of the North through the United States of ~Iex- ico in the event of any interruption by Beligerants of the Communi- cation by sea with our ports: and perhaps it might in some degree tend to draw Closer the bands of fraternity and Confidence which every Philanthropist must desire to see cemented and perpetuated between the two great Republics of North America, by affording to the Citizens of each the opportunity of a frequent and :Mutual interchange of sentiments as well by private letters as through the medium of public Journals Eighthr-I have received a number of Letters from respectable and wealthy people from the States of Louisiana nnd :Mississippi asking for information whether they would be allowed to remove and settle in this Province and to bring such property as they needed for their own use particularly'their Slaves-I answered them that I could not inform them on the subject but would represent to the Government and accordingly sent on a petition some time since praying for authority to settle Three hundred families more on the Trinity River and round the Bay of Galveston-I respectfully request in- formation relative to my petitions that I may inform those appli- cants what they have to expect-their reason for wishing to movl:' here is the unhealthiness of that Country and the inundations of-the

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