The Austin Papers, Vol. 1 Pt. 1

THE AUSTIN PAPERS. 997 therefore take the Liberty of respectfully suggesting whether the interest of the Govt would not be greatly promoted by protecting the new Emigrants from all old foreign debts for at least Twelve Years-Many very good l\1en are unfortunate in business and be- come involved in Debt by misfortune, some such have removed here and endured all the fatigues, and dangers and losses of settling a wilderness with the hope of bettering their situation and being able in time to pay off all their Debts, and they are now looking to the Government of the State as to a father who will interpose its parental Authority to saye them and their wives and Children from the Cruel and merciless persecution of unfeeling Creditors who may follow them from the U. States.-! am not in favor of extending too much protection to any who have defrauded their Creditors but it appears to me that sound policy and the dictates of Justice and Humanity certainly would justify affording the most ample protec- tion to every honest but unfortunate debtor whose hard fate else- where has driven him to seek an asylum in the :Mexican Republic. Therefore if the Laws do not already afford sufficient protection, I think the Legislature would promote the prosperity of the Country and do an act of humanity and justice by giving at least Twelve years for all who remove and settle in this State to pay their old debts Contracted before they removed here. Thirdr--The Law relative to the Sale and Deeding or Conveying o:f Lands between the Settlers-This is also o:f much importance, most of the Colonists have relations and friends in the United States who they Wish to remove here and settle along side of them on their Lands, and to do this they wish to divide the Lands granted to them by the Govt into several parts in order to establish their Relations and friends near them, and as it is a matter of great importance that there should be no irregularity or illegality in the mode of :Making their sales and Deeds I wish to know the Law on the subject and to have the form of makeing Deeds and acknowledging them, this is very important to the prosperity of the Country for by each Colonist dividing his Land amongst his relations and friends the Land will be much Better Cultivated and more produce made than if it was held by the Individual to whom it was originally granted-Many such sales have already been made and I have caused those who gave thtl Deed to come before me as the Judge of the Colony and acknowledge or Execute the Deed in my presence with witnesses and have made a Record of the Act of Sale in a Record Book kept for that object and delivered the original to the owner-This is the mode used in the United States and is most satisfactory to the Colonists as they are all accustomed to it, and this mode has been approved of by the most Excellent Deputation of this Province who also directed that a Sec-

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