• ' unworthy of belief-and Capable of many improper thing luweing as you was pleased to express yourself to a friend of yours Clouds before my eyes which you have not been able to remove . M _4-usTIN [Rubric] [Endorsed :] Copy letter Mr. A. S~Jiard~ ••St.•Louis J an 7 ·. , ~o ~804 I
Dre Mcrchandize 1803 May 22 4 To Adventure Cape Gerardeau_____________________________' 29i5. 84 1804 l\1:i.rch 10n to Sugar Act_.________.:.------~-,..----..:________________..;__ 1. 00 Aprl 1 To John StewarL------------------:-:..-:-------.--------------· . 9. 80 26 To wm DoughertY--------------:----------------.----------:---, 2. 50 March 3 To William RusselL-------------------------------:--,-----:--- 1. 25 5°' To 2500 Needles Recd for Barrens_____:____________________ 12. 50 26 to wm Lorimier for goods returned__________:.._..:____:..____...: ·• 4. 00 May 12 To ~llomon Thorn for 9 lb powder-~:+------:..•.:..:.:.._..,____:____..,__:.:, • 15. 00
2961. 89 Credit __._________• -----------------------. _•-----~· • •____________ 2661. 33
, Loss ·----· ---------------------------------~------ " - • ___• __ '' 300.56
[Endorsed by .Moses .Austin:] . .Statement ·, Balance Halls Booth
. 'Mine A Burton June 10 th 1804
Mr DANn:L Pm:LPs My object in sending my son Stephen to New England is to obtain his Education I tharefore Request.that he may be placed at the best school in your Country and that gre~~ Car~ may be. taken that he ~o~es no _Improper Connecti_ons that may have-A tenclency to Cor- rupt his Ideas of propriety I wish him to be furnished .with such masters and Connect himself with such Society as becomes ·a Young Gentl~ in his Situation I : also ·vVish him to be furnished with Clothing proper to appear as becomes. a Gentln and that such Expences as may be Necessery to accomplish his Education and You may advance from time to time Shall be paid by me on De- mand-and that I may. have.it always in my Power to Meet the ~xpences ~ttending this business I Request that the Bills of:E~pence. may be render'd Each quarter and.~he most point'd attention shall be paid to the discharge of all such Bills of Expence-Recommend-
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