The Austin Papers, Vol. 1 Pt. 1



Mine a Burton and in June 1797 relinquished his interest in the Mines in Virginia to his Brother .Stephen Austin and in December of the same Year J udather Kendle and Elias Bates Nephew of the said Austin, left Austin Ville to take possession of said Grant and Arrived in March following and took possession of the Mine A Bur- ton for and in the name of Moses Austin. On 8 th • Day of June 1798 Moses Austin and Family Consisting of Maria his Wife Stephen F. Austin his sori and Emely· M. B. .Austin-his Daughter together witli Moses Bates and family and Others Whites and blacks to the number 9f Forty,persons, and Nine Lo.aded Wagons, and a Coach and four Horses,·All left Austin Yill.e•and took the Road for Morrises Boat Yard on the Great Kanhawa and on 4 th Day July intered the Oh10 and arrived at Kask~~aia on 8~- Day.Sept. Sick and debilitated to such a degree, that .out of 17 ',person that s.rrived, two only could walk on ·shore. from the Barge, at Kaskaskia Mrs Bates and.Mr· Parson Bates pai.d the debt ·of Nature. and Henry Bates unhappily was Drowned passfog the falls of Ohio . the .first Wife of MoseS. Bates was my Sister, She died in Middleton Connecticutt Parson and Henry Bates ~as her Children as Also Elias Bates who arrived in the Provence of.Louisiana the Spring before. • • On 20 Sep 1 li1?ses ,.A.~stin and Family paS5cd the Mississippia and took up a the Little Village of Saint Genevieve Un- til July 1798 [1799] when his family-removed to .the Mine a Burton._ At this time the·Mine a Burton·, as, well'~ all the District of Saint Genevieve [was] a Wilderness Except the village of. Saint Genevieve which contained about 120 families and on the Saline four, or five, American families had commenced a Settlemant with in 8 ltfiles of the Village , . .. ·.- . •. •. . .• • •. ... • ·on 12 th Day May 1802 The House of Moses Austin was.Atta.eked by a Party of 30 Indians but they were r·epu[l]sd by the Americans 10 in Number and Driven from the Villag-e of the :Mines, the french gave No assistance. . . . . . . . . . , . . J. Elijah Brown._Austin ~he second son of Moses and Mary Austin Was born on th~·3 Day_of October ~~03; ·with a singular Mark on his Ear something Like·a:Crop. . , . . . , . In May 180~ $ Austin left Saint Genevieve in.Com- p3:ny with Daniel Phelps to .ObtaiJ?. .his Ed11:cation a[t] : Colchester Academy where he remaind three years and returned tq the Academy at Lexington Kentucky and remained two Ye.ars. ' • .• • . : Emily M. B. Austin l~£t the Mine~ in Octb': 1804 • and remained at Mrs Becks boarding School in _Lexingto~.~Centucky _untill Decemb~r 1808 . , . . . . . • • •• In May 1811 :Mrs Maria Austin Miss Emily ,M B Austin• ·and Master James Elijah B Austiri left Saint Genevieve On board a barge for New Orleans Under!'the ·Protection of Elish[a] Lewis, bound for New York Mrs Maria Austin for her health and Miss

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