New Orleans 27 May 1825
DEAR Sm, You were advised some few weeks ago of the safe arrival of your Box of Books-I have now an opportunity of sending them by the bearer, which I embrace: and hope they will reach you in safety. I have not very lately heard from Mrs Hawkins, but believe herself and family are well-She still lives with her younger sister ·the only one of that family that is independent and able to give her a support-I hope the time is not far distant when such charity will be unnecessary-From the great numbers of persons passing through to Texas I feel assured your Province will soon fill up and Enable you to make sale of lands. • "What is Mr Gross doing with his cotton-The price is now an object-35 Cts. I should suppose it would be well worth getting ginned and shipped immediately. NATH: Cox Col 0 • Stephen F. Austin Texas
peach Creek may the 30 1825. DEAR Sm i receiv your very insulting letter you inform me you was much astonished to hear of my stating you had made a.present of my land that report is fabricated by some bad person who ex- pects to live by fals hood and swindleing as for my stating to the people that i have stated false hood or un truth respecting my land i shall not i never shall Contradit any statement i have mad and i can assure you sir i,never shall abuse you for any friendship you have Conferd on me but as for my saying directly or indirectly that you presented me with land or any thing else is false hood i expect sir that i have said less a bout my land or Deed than any other man in the Collony the last line of your letter i cant under-stand and i Conclude wishing you as wish all BM [Brother Masons~] that is true repentence and reformation wm KrNCifELOE Col Stephen f Austin NB you will give the auther of these reports by the first oppor- t 't wm KINCHELOE Ulll y Col Stephen f Austin
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