THE AUSTIN PAPERS. 1015 should pay it I then Told him I would take the Horse and pay Gains for him which he Readily agreed to this was the first time I have seen Mitchal from the time Gains left the acct with me and as to his having any claims to the Horse or ever seeing the Horse or my ever Receiving the Horse for, him or agreeing to send the Horse or any thing Else to him is a palpable Lye for he has my Receipt and I never should send him any thing Untill my Receipt was presented he Requested me to Collect those debts and R~ceiYe Land office money in payment the 12$ which I promised to pay for :Mitchal is Ready when my Receipt is presented as Respects Halls Business and Robersons and Gaynes you will find inclosecl the original acct in favour of Gaynes for $14.25 protested by Rober- son and an affidavit of J W Hall on the Back of said acct proving the sum of fourteen Dollars and 25 cts paid to Gaynes by him for Roberson as also you will find Lewis Holloways deposition in the cnse the petition and affidavit of Hall and Ex:ecutn and attach- ment you will discover from Halls affidavit that he claimed four- teen Dollars and 25 cts in cash and had it not been for an arrange- ment which I made with Hall myself in Order to favor Guynes the sum which payed the debt would not have paid the One. forth part of it there is an account now in my office for $9-Dollars which is Similar to the above It is claimed by Roberson and proven by Holloway to have been passed by Roberson for Hall to Gaines and afterwards paid by Hall Roberson has been peti- tioned for an attachipent in that case against "Gains but I have still put him of upon the whole they are I fear a <lambed sett ·of Rascals and Gaynes the worst of all JNo P. CoLEs [Rubric] [Addressed:] S. F. Austin Political Chief. and Judge of the Col- ony San F D Austin
11th January 1825
DEAR Srn You will find inclosed the Transfer of Brooks to Speers the original or the Coppy that was delivered to Brooks he carrye<l off Speers has assigned his name on the note given by Brooks for Sixty five dollars, to be paid in Specys It will be due next October the note I will hand to you on sight JNo P COLES [.Addressed:] ·Col. S. F. Austin San filipe de Austin 01; !Ylr. Berry.
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