THE A US TIN PAPERS. 1095 guaclalope or further ,,in· the morning and perhaps I shall return hear in one or two.months I will except of the half Leag of Land you oforcl me but perhaps it will better for the Community at larg to deal justly. by me you will pleas sen me what you intend to gnve me J A.COB BETrs
13 th May 1825
DEAR sm· I Rec 4 yours by :Mr. Leonard Dubois and notice Its contents I am not able to get any proof here of Halls Bringing the Negro to the colony which Mr. Dubois is claiming Report says that Hall did assist in Bringing of the Negro he was at Tramels as I under- stood at the time the Negro was Brot of I know nothing of the sircumstances myself nor neither doo I know any person who does know any thing about It the Negro is Either at Randons near Groces or at Prices or at Halls If he has not been secreted · I think It would be well to send Mr. Dubois and an officer to Randons Immediately and sirch for the Negro also to Prices I believe they are all concerned with Tramel . I noticed the Bill of Mr. Jones pocket Book money etc I can not see .Mr Hope today and consequently cannot give you an ansa but I dont believe the money found by Mr Hope to be Jones, I will see Mr. Hope and Bring you down Information I shall start down on Sunday Morning and shall be in Town on Monday I shall bring down your Horses J No. P. Cou:s [Rubric] (Addressed:) Col. S. F. Austin San Felipe D. Austin pr Dubois
Department of Texas
District of San Felipe de Austin: Before me Stephen F.•Austin .Judge of the Colony on the Brazos River in said Department personally apeared William Pryor who was summoned at the request of Leonard Duboys to give testimony relative to the Negro Gabriel and said Pryor being duly sworn, de- poseth and sa.yeth, that some time in the month of January Nicholas Trammel was at deponents house on the Brazos River • Nacogdoches Archives, Texas State L1brar7, Tbe Spanish original la also in the collection, •
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