The Austin Papers, Vol. 1 Pt. 2

THE AUSTIN PAPERS.· 1093 terier before I arrive you will please to give my cleecle to James Lynch for me. do all you Can for me and you will be amply rewarded by your friend • }ifARTIN ALLEN [Rubric]


.Refugio 12lh- [May] 1825.

DEAR AusTIN. I have the pleasure of informing you that my long and unremitted exertions have been finally crowned with success having received a Grant bounded as asked for :when you was in Mexico with the excep- tion of the part lying below the San Antonio road in the fork of the Rivers Brassos and Navisote being informed by Baron de Bastrop that this part has already been disposed of I changed my application making the road the line. , . . Several others have obtained grants of which Capt DeWitt will inform you this being the case it becomes necessary that all the Empresarios should make such disposition of their lands that will not effect the interest of an other and that will be satisfactory to the emigrants and that will promote the immediate settlement of to affect this it will require that some uniform mode be established to Govern the whole which I have no doubt that each of the Em- presarios are disposed to agree to. I presume that you still adhere to your first price established viz 12½ cts per acre the exps of surveying and making the title which I am of Opinion is low enough when we take into consideration the trouble and hardships we have to undergo in settling a wilderness. On the subject I wish you to write me by Capt .De ""Witt who can put the letter in ·the first post Office that he reaches in the United States unless a vessel should sail from your place to New Orleans in a short time. I will suggest to you that it is very important to the interest of Texas that Baron de Bastrop should be reelected as from what I have seen of him I presume that you can send no person that will use the same exertions for that section of Country or that is as well qua)ified for your representation. And I can assure you that he is devoted to your interest I refer you to Capt De Witt for a detail of the news in this part .of the Country Wishing you health and prosperity. Yours sincerely


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