able-Attentions and civilities conferred on him will be thankfully acknow!edged by' JOSHUA CHILD N. B. I intend to pay you a visit myself this summer-but official duties here require my presence at Home-The reputation of the colonists in Texas-as well as of the country itself-stands very fair in the U. States-And the prospects here are very flattering-in favor of a large emigration of ci6zens of wealth and respectability- J CHILD [A_dclressecl :] Capt Gaines-Nacogdoches Col Austin-San Felipe de Austin Mr. Price-La Bahia Baron de Bastrop :Monsieur Le Baume-St. Antonio
Natchitoches 12th May 1825
Col. AusTIN Sm by this safe oppertunity I must trouble you with another let- ter as I have wrote to you so often respecting my Land, and other things: I requested you in several of my letters to you to write me a few lines respecting my Land, if you received my Last letter which I think was dated sometime in April I expressed greate uneasiness about by Land from a letter I had just received from :Mr. Lynch stating that you had givin away my Labbour,-and he gave me no positive answer respecting by League which I could not conceive how that could be the Case as you entered my Labbour in July last in my name and told me it should be secure to me an<l named in the same title with my League-and I had allways understood by Mr Lynch that my title was safe in the office I have received a letter since from mr. Lynch by the hand of Mr. Aulsbury that gave me more satisfaction respecting it he informed me that my League was safe and a first rate one by your own information and my Labbour had been taken through mistake, which Can be All rectifyed when I come on which will be amecliately, Mr, Aulsbury and his familey and myself and my familey are all Comeing In Companey we will start in afew days . I lmeede not write aney thing of the knews of this Country as l\fr, Cable will hand you this letter himself directly from this place: You Can ask him what difficulties I haye in Countered and what Losses 1 have sustained in trying to git to my Land in that Country which I hope to afect in next month without some unavoidable accident-I hav.e wrote repetedly to my sons to make aney nessary improvements on my Land that you would direct; if you should go on to the in-
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