The Austin Papers, Vol. 1 Pt. 2




New Orleans, 9 th :May, 1825.

Srn: ]),fr Green D. Ca1ler [Collier], who will present this· letter, goes to the Province·of Texas in pursuit of ten African negroes which were stollen and carried off from the State of Alabama in the year 1821, and which are said to be in the said Province. The said slav,-s were captured by Lt. Y. :Mckeever at Pensacola in the year 1818, and were at the time of the theft under adjudication in the District Court of the United States for the District of Alabama. It is said they were stollen by Robert Caller out of the possession of his aunt, who is one of the principals to the bond of $100,000 given for the forthcoming of the slaves at Court. The bearer of this letter, ·who is recommended to me as a man of respectability, is the son of the lady who had the slaves in possession, and feeiing a deep interest in restoring them, has volunteered his services for the purpose. • At the instance of a gentleman of this State of high respectability, who is acquainted with the circumstances of the case, I take the liberty to address you upon the subject, and to solicit your friendly aid and authority in securing the slaves so that they may be re- stored to their rightful owners. Robert Caller is represented as a desperate character, and may attempt, if not prevented by confine- ment, to rescue the slaves even nt the risk ·of his life. It might perhaps be advisable, if satisfactory proof should be exhibited of his guilt, to send him back for trial to the place where the crime was committed. 1 • H. JonNsoN, Gov. of the State of Louisiana. His Excellency, BARON BASTROP, Governor of Texas.

AUSTIN TO GOVERNOR RAFAEL GONZALES [From Austin's Blotter, in file of August 26, 1824.]

Me impuesto por el oficio de V. S. fecha 13 de Abril de la. gloriosa. Noticia del reconocimiento de Nuestra Independencia i:>0r la Gran Britania Io que he publica<lo en esto Establecimento Celebrandolo con salvas de una pieza de Artilleria de a quatro y otras demostra.:. ciones de regocijo. Dios y Liberated- San Felipe de Austin 10 de Mayo de 1825 2 - ESTEVAN F. AUSTIN. , On the subject ot this letter see Gaines to Austin, August 13, 1825. , Identical acknowledgment to Sauct>do, May 18, 1825, Bexar A1·chives, Unh·e1·slty ot Texas.

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