THE AUSTIN PAPERS. 1089 promesas y que estas no se cumplen se mette uno en un a.tascadero deloqual con dificultad retire uno. Salude V de mi parte a su her- mano primo y otros amigos y disponga V de su amigo y servidor q atento S. M. B EL BARON DE BASTROP [Rubric]
Saltillo 6 de 1fayo de 1825.
Dn. ESTEVAN F AusTIN Tente Colonel
.Mi estimado amigo y duefio-Trate con el cap retirado Dn. Fran- cisco Garcia cincuenta fanegas de mais entregarles en la venedern. cosecha en los Brasos 6 Colorado. Se sirvira V entregar por mi a dicho Sr. en uno de los dos referidos puntos que sea mas conveniente a V los espresados cinquenta fanegas de mais y cargar el importe a mi cuenta pasele V bien y mantle a su amigo y seguro Servidor que atento S l\1 B EL BARON DE BASTROP [Rubric]
Alexandria 9 th May 1825.
Col STEPHEN F. AUSTIN MY DEAR srn I shall be out with young Mr. Groce when he re- turns the latter part of this month in order to locate the l:rnd granted to Sexton and Morgan, erect some buildings, and make preparations to remove my family the ensuing fall or winter. I slrn.11 come prepared to pay for the other Leagc, and should be glad to secure 2 or 3 three more Leagues for my friends whom I ex- pect on from the north. Mr. Thomas Hooper accompanies me, who will be ready to fulfill the engagements Mr. Morgan made with you concerning the ½ league on the Brasos-I am informed you in- tend visiting the interior tJ:Jis summer. I expect to arrive before your departure; if I should not, I hope you will have the business in such a train that my land can be surveyed and titles made out so that I can go on to build for the sole purpose of my journey this summer is to make preperations to remove my family in the winter • l\1r. James Brown accompanies me likewise, and it is of importance for us all to see you before your departure. . I hope you will delay a few days on our 'account should any accident retard or journey. S.AM SEXTON
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