The Austin Papers, Vol. 1 Pt. 2

CALENDAR OF AUSTIN PAPERS, 1765-1827, PREVIOL'SLY PRINTED AND AVAILABLE. A Memorandum of l\Ioses Austin's Journey, December 8, 179G-Jlarc:h 25, 1797. In American Historical Review, V, 518-542. Description of the Lead l\lines in Upper Louisiana, by · Moses .A u.:rrin.. Transmitted by .A.mos Stoddard, c:nptain and first civll commandant of UPf*r Louisiana, June 16, 1804. American State Papers, Public Lands, I, 206--2<J~. Antonio Martinez to l\loses Austin, February 8, 1821. Quoting permit o! the commnndnnte general to establish 300 families in Texas on conditions, and suggesting procedure. T1·anslation in A Comprehensive History of Texa5 (Wooten, editor), I, 470-471. Antonio· Martinez to Stephen F. Austin, August 14, 1821. Recognizing Austin as his father's successor, and directing him to explore for a site for the colony. Household goods and tools which are not for sale admitted free of duty. .A Comprehensive History of Texas, I, 471--472. Antonio Martinez to Stephen F. Austin, August 19, 1821. Approving .Austin's proposal of a plan for distributing land to colonists. A Comprehensive History of Texas, I, 472. Antonio Martinez to Stephen F. Austin, August 24, 1821. • Appointin~ Austin governor of his colony pending establishment of the local adminis- lrntlon by the Government. A Comprehensive History of Texns, I, 472. Stephen F. Austin's Journal, June 18-September 21, 1821. His first trip to Texas. Exploration for site of the colony. Quarterly of the Texas Seit-e Historical Association, VII, 286--307. Luciano Garcia to Austin, July 16, 1823. Informing Austin that he hs.~ appointed Bastrop commissioner of the Government to cooperate with him In establishing the colony. Translation in A Comprehensive History llt Texas. I, 476. Luciano Garcia to Bastrop, July 26, 1823. Quoting letter thnt he wrot~ oo Garza, July 22, informing bim of Bastrop's appointment as comnri~h,n~r. Instructed him to lay out a town, which he has named provisionally R·rn F(-lipe de Austin. Translation in A Comprehensive History of 'l'exn~ I, -li'l'- Jose Antonio Saucedo to the Inhabitants of the ~'rinty, Neches. mul Di~'· of Nacogdoches, January 22, 1827. In A Comp1·ehe11eslve History o.f '1\'-s.~s (Wooten, editor), I, 522-524. Austin "To the Inhabitants of this Colony," Janunry 22, 18:!7. Cnlling th,'m to arms to assist in suppressing the rebellion at Nucog-llocht'S print\.~\ in Foote, Texas and Texans, I, 266--268, and partially p1·luteu In A l,'\.Hlll)t'\c"- hensive History of Texas, I, 532.

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