John Hinkson to Austin, December 1, 1S27. Land. Manuel Ceballos to Padllla, December 5, 1827. Pndilln to Austin, December 19, 1827. Forwarding letter from Ceballos. Ramon Musquiz appointed political chief of Texas. Ignacio de Arispe to---, December 21, 1827. Certifying the high cbnrncter and loyalty of Austin. Austin to Saucedo, December 29, 1827. Forwarding attestation of oath to the constitution. Austin in account with N. Dlllard, December-, 1827. Price list. Austin in account with Preston Gilbert, Decembet· -, 1S27. Bustamante to Austin, --- 28, 1827. Disagreeing with Austin's interpre- tation of a law.
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