Robert D. Dnwson to Austin, ,June 16, 1827. Concerning collection of n note. P. T. Dimmitt to J. Allcorn, June 17, 1827. Asldng intervention to commute a sentence. Bustamante to Austin, .June 19, 1827. Tnhuacanos, Wacoes, and Comanches have made peace. Glad to avoid thus the cost of a general campaign. Austin to Saucedo, June 20, 1827. Transmitting a report on local govern- ment in the colony. • J. M. Cortes to Austin, June 24, 1827. Asking assistance in collecting a debt. Willis J. Powell to Austin, June 24, 1827. Inquiring about the colony. J. Cnble to .Austin, June 26, 1827. Introclucing William Calahan. M. Slocum to Austin, June 25, 1827. Publication of Texan matter in Natchi- toches. Austin in account with Faris and ·white, June 25, 1827. C. B. Penrose to Austin, June 27, 1827. Desires to establish n distillery In Texas, ancl submits proposal for admission of molasses free of cluty. Saucedo to Austin, ;rune 28, 1827. Second request for list of families settled In the coast reserve. 0. B. Penrose to Austin, July 1, 1827. Application to Government for privileges in connection with establishment of a distillery. David G. Burnet to Bustamante, .July 2, 1827. Policy of United States, inaugurnted in 1823, of removing Inclians to reservations west of Mississippi will lend to invasions of Texas. Warns Government against granting lancl to such Indinns. Snucedo to B. R. Milam, July 7, 1827. Quoting orders of superior govern- ment that empresarios must enforce restrictions prescribed by the colonization law. Samuel A. Cartwright to Ira Lewis, July 8, 1827. Recommending a resident ph;vsician. Francis Biggam to Austin, August 1, 1827. Sia,·ery. Commerce. Mrs. J. H. Hawkins to Austin, August 4, 1827. Concerning clivision of the premium lands in the colony and sale in England. D. Elizondo to Austin, August 25, 1827. Concerning Bastrop's estate. Miguel Arciniega to Austin, August 25, 1827. Distrusts peace with the In• <linns. Charges of Nixon and Madero that Austin and Saucedo are in col• lusion in sale of public lands, which h·e does not believe. H. H. League to Austin, August 28, 1827. Business in Saltillo. Disturb- ances in the colony. Mary W. Ellis to Austin, September 3, 1827, Messnge to her husband. C. B. Penrose to Austin, September 10, 1827. Asking aclvice on subject previously proposed.
H. H. Lengue to Austin, September 10, 1827. Nashville company in Saltillo. Disturbnnces in H. H. League to Austin, September 10, 1827. company. Plans of the company.
Asking Austin to act for the the colony. Stockholclers in the Nashville
M. l\I. Battle to Austin, September 12, 1827. Contract to builcl a house. Jesse Thompson to J. E. B. Austin, September 17, 1827. Asking the loan of 12 Spanish mares. Phineas Smith to J. E. B. Austin, September 23, 1827. Acknowledging news of his brother's denth. Austin in account with John Cummins, October 5, 1827. Price list. R. R. Royall to Austin, Octoher JO, 1827. Plans for returning to Texns. Austin's draft of a bill to establish 11. seminary of learning, L October 11, 1827 ?].
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