The Austin Papers, Vol. 1 Pt. 2



Austin to Flores, l\Iay 12, 1S27. Acknowledging lnstrncl:lons tor surveyors. Treaty with the Karankawa Indians, l\.lny 18, 1S27. _ . _ ,, te t A ti•n "r 14 1s•),.. Conce1·ning tl'cnt:v with mu ankaMaS. Bustaman o us , J.llay , - 1. . • • , Bustamante to Austin, l\.Iay 19, 1827. Transmitting thnnks ol the Govern• ment for assistance in the insurrection. Pettus v. Reed, l\lay 21, 1S27. Judicial procedure. Austin in account with J. C. Peyton, l\lny 23,. 1827. Commerce. Austin to Saucedo, l\Iny 22, 1S27. Reasons ~or fHilurc to llold general election in the colony. George Orr to Austin, May 23, 1S27. Concerning theft of horses. J. E. B. Austin to E. l\1. Perry, ?-1:lrch [l\Iay] 2°.1, 1827. Austin's part ln putting down rebellion. Immigration from Ohio. Slavery. Austin to Jnmes F. Perry, l\Iay 26, 1S27. Cost of travel. Slavery. Immf• gration. J. E. B. Austin to E. R. Wightman, May 26, 1827. Contract to made R deed. Francisco Ruiz to Austin, l\Iay 28, 1827. ,vacoes and Tahuacanos want peace. . Samuel Bridge to Austin, Arkansas, l\lay 29, 1827. Influence of Indian wars on emigration. Introducing R. M. ,vmiamson. Austin's toast on promulgation of State constitution July 27 [May 29], 1827. J. A. Padilla to Gaspar Flores, May 31, 1827. Instructions for recording titles. Tacitus Clay to Austin, l\Iay 31, 1827. Land. Scarcity of writing materials. Hanson Alsbury to Austin, June 1, 1827. Reputation of colony rapidly in- creasing in the United States. Jackson-Adams campaign distressing the country. Austin to Saucedo, June 1, 1827. Acknowledging six federal decrees. Austin to Saucedo, June 1, 1827. Will report condition of militia by nert mail. Austin to Saucedo, June 1, 1827. Will have Williams report on sale of stamped paper. Austin to Saucedo, June 1, 1827. Acknowledging communication from War Department concerning military plans for Nacogdoches. Francisco Ruiz to Austin, June 2, 1927. Chiefs of Tahuacano and Waco Indians wish to make peace and are going to San Antonio. They say Comanches wish peace. Austin's part in bringing Wacoes and Taltuacanos to terms. Bustamante to Austin, June 2, 1827. Inclosing copy of a convention with Karnnkawa Indians. William Scott to Austi~, June 2, 1827. Receipt for grinding corn and hire of boat. Byrd Lockhart to Austin, .June 3, 1827. Application for permit to st"tt.le. IS. T.] Angier to Austin, June 3, 1827. Application for lmul. Peter Ellis Bean to Austin, June 3, 1827. Announcing pence with Wnco nnd Tahuacano chiefs. John W. Hall to L. R. Kenny, June 4, 1827. Asking nid In correeting false statements. . Austin to Saucedo, June 4, 1827. Will report famill(is setth.'d in the C'Oast reserve. Austin to Saucedo, June 4, 1827. Concerning rccrnits for gnrrlsons. Austin to Saucedo, June 4, 1827. Reporting 011th to tho Stnte <Junstit.uth,n. Austin to Bustamante, June 5, 1827. Acknowlclli.tlng l'0<.'l'IJlt of the Knran- kawa treaty. Banquet celebrating promulgntlon or the ·co11stit11tlun. Administrator's sale of land, June 11, 1827. J. ll. irn1er, nllmr. of 'l'h()s. <.~ray.

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