The Austin Papers, Vol. 1 Pt. 2



Dr. John Sibley to Austin, March 12, 1827. Report that United States has acquired part of Texas. British designs on Cuba. M. Slocum to Austin, March 13, 1827. Disclaiming responsibility for state- ments which be has published in his paper. . Saucedo to Austin, March 19, 1827. Concerning settlement in the "reserved" lnncl near the coast. Saucedo to Gaspar Flores,.Mnrch 19, 1827. Notifying him of his appointment as land commissioner. B. W. Edwards to Ahumada, March 25, 1827. Thanking him for considerate treatment of defeated insurgents. Anastacio Bustamante to Austin, March 26, 1827. Announcing arrival in Texas. M. Slocum to Austin, March 27, _1827. Disapproval of the insurgents. Pur- chase of Texas. J. Cable to Austin, Mar<!h 28, 1827. Performance of certain commissions. Ben R. Milam to Austin, March 30, 1827. Distressed at exclusion of slavery and at the admission of the Shawnee Indians. Mateo Ahumada to Benjamin W. Edwards, March 31, 1827. Answering let- ter of 25th and lecturing him on liberality of Mexican Government. Green DeWitt to Austin, April 3, 1827. Movements of Karankawn Indians. William Blooclgood to Austin, April 4, 1827. Lnnd troubles. Power of attorney to receiv'e a trunl<, April G, 1827. Bustamante to Austin, April 7, 1827. Thanking him for detailed account

of the insurrection and for bis assistance in supp1·essing it. Thomas Corwin to Ira Lewis, April 7, 1827. Colle<!tion of debt. H. B. League to Austin, April 11,• 18:27. colony. J. Bunter to Austin, April 12, 1827. Judicial procedure.

Assistance for the Robertson

Walter Sutherland to Austin, Ap1·il 12, 1827. Land. Austin to colonista, April 12, 1827. Election notice. Bustamante to Austin, April 14, .1S27. Asklug advice and assistance in trans- porting troops. John R. Harris to Austin, April 15, 1S27. Judicial procedure. Austin to colonists, April 10, 1827. Closing business of first colony. Land fees. Austin fp account with Alexander Calvit, April 16, 1827. Bill and pric<.' list. 'Receipt for goods, April 18, 1827. [Saucedo?] to inhabitants of Pecan Point, April 19, 1827. Advice concerning local government and relations to United States. Secretary of War to Austin, April 19, 1827. Thanking Austin for services against the insurgents. Bustamante to Austin, April 19, 1827. Acknowledging letter. Austin to Saucedo, April 24; 1827. Explaining why general election was not held. J. B. Polley to public, April 28, 1827. Receipt for two notes. Commerce. Austin to Capt. Dillard, l\Iay 1, 1827. Land. A- n. Clarke to Austin, May 4, 1827. Land and tra·ae. A. Dilliar to Austin, l\Iay 4, 1827. Commerce. s. T. Angier to Austin, May 7, 1827. Land. Austin and Thomas Westall, sureties for S. M. ,vmiams, collector fo1• stamped papei-: Gaspar Flores to Austin, May . 10, 1827. Instructions •for surveyors.

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