The Austin Papers, Vol. 1 Pt. 2



Muster roll of Captain Johnson's company, January 16, 1827. Fredoninn re- bellion. Bnstrop's wlll, January 16, 1827. H. H. League to Austin, January 18, 1827. "Mania for emigrating to your country " from Tennessee. Uneasiness caused by Fredonian rebellion. Richard Ellis et al. to Austin, January 22, 1827. Reporting failure of mis- sion to the insurgents. Austin to Militia, [,January 22], 1827. Fredonian rebellion. Committee report appraising wagon and teams employed for military service, Jnnunry 24, 1827. J. C. Tanner to J. E. B. Austin, January 24, 1827. James Kerr to Austin, January 24, 1827. Causes of broils. Jnmes Kerr to Austin, January 24, 1827. Suspicion of British Intrigue among Cherokees. Austin to Cherokee chiefs, January 24, 1827. "Talk" to detach them from the insurgents. Loyalty of the colonists. Generosity of Government. Resolutions of loyalty-DeWitt's colony, January 27, 1827. Edmund Bean to Peter Ellis Benn, January 28, 1827. Austin's expense account in the Fredonian rebellion, January 29, 1827. ,Jared E. Groce to Saucedo, January 29, 1827. Appeal for a new henring In a law suit. - ,Tames Davis to Austin, Nashville, January so,' 1827. Prohibition of slavery would be a great bar to emigration to Texas. Austin to Gaspar Flores, January -, 1827. Nominating two surveyors. Affidavits concerning seizure of guns in DeWitt's colony, February 2, 1827. Burrll J. Thompson to Austin, February 2, 1827. Seeking Austin's inter- vention for pardon. John A. Williams to Austin, February 7, 1827. Repulse of insurgents. Francis Biggnm to Austin, February 13, 1827. Disquieting reports from Te.1:as. James Hope to J. E. B. Austin, Februa.ry 16, 1827. Asking for garden seed from Mexico. Bm·ril J. 'l'hompson to Austin, February 17, 1827. Conditions at Nacogdoches which caused the uprising there. Desires to make his peace and return. ,John Sibley to Austin February 18 1827. Political news. English designs on Cubn. ' ' • Bill for military transportation, February 22, 1827. Jesse Thompson to Ahumada. J. E. B. Austin to Mrs. E. M. Perry, February 23, 1827. Fears effect of the Fredonian rebellion upon immigration. Report of sale of Texas to United States. This is certain in future if not already accomplished. James Kerr to Austin, IPel>runry 24, 1827. Property seized by De Leon. James Kerr to Austin, February 26, 1827. .Movements of Indians. J. Tate to Austin, February 27, 1827. Proposal to establish n sugar mill In return for land. Austin to Jos~ Antonio Navarro, February 21; 1827. Buying certain mer- chandise for Navarro. Austin to S. l\I. Williams, March 4, [1827]. Fredoninn rebellfon. P. T. Dimmitt to S. l\I. Williams, March 6, 1827. Collection of a note. Felix Robertson to Austin, March 8, 1827. Asking assistance for Nashville compnnr. Prospects of great emigration to Texas. William Scott to Austin, March 10, 1827. Judicinl procedure. J. A. Padilla to Austin, March 10, 1827. Concerning death of Bastrop.

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