B. W. Edwards to Aylett 0. Buckner, December 26, 1826. Urging him to joln the rebellion. B. W. D:lwards to Jesse Thompson, December 26, 182G. Inciting to rebellion. Elisha Flowers to Austin, December 26, 1826. Application for land. [ncitir,g to rehellion. Peter Ellis Bettn to Austin, December 28, 1826. Warning Austin of effort to raise rebellion in his colony. Deposition of Candes Metcalf, December 28, 1826. Saying that she was ---to Austin, December 26, 1826. Judicial procedure. B. "r· E<.lwnrds t,) Bartlett Sims, December 27, 1826. ue,·ei· married to Peter Ellis Bean. l<Jlection retum, December 29, 182U. Patricio de Torres to Austin, December 29, 1826. Movements of the Insur- tents in Nacogdoches. Manuel Hernandez to Austin, December 29, 1826. Forwarding nn express :o Ahumacla. Peter Ellis Bean to Austin, December 31, 1826. Reporting efforts to ave1·t lnsurrection at Nacogdoches. Austin to John Sprowl, January 1, 1827. Urging him to abandon the Fre- clonian rebe1lion. Austin to Burril J. Thompson, January 1, 1827. Urgiug him to desert thP. insurgents. GoYernment just and invincible. Austin to inhabitants of the district of Victoria, J_nnuary 1, 1827: Urging them to volunteer in service of the Government to suppress E'redouian rebel- lion and to !ldopt resolutions of loyalty. Thomus M. Duke to Austin, January 3, 1827. Anxious to serve Goverumcnt In suppression of Fredonian rebellion, but his neighborhood is menaced by Karankawa Indians and he fears to leuve. Rnndall Jones to Austin, January 3, 1827. People support the Government ln contest with the Fredonian rebellion. Peter Ellis Bean to Austin, .January 4, 1827. The insurrection ls breaking up. Mateo Ahumada to Richard Fielcls, chief of the Cherokees, January 4, 1827. Asking for conferent'e, and assuring him that the Government will grant land nnd do justice to the Cherokees. • Saucedo to Hichn1·d Fielcls, January 4, 1827. Assuring him of the Govern- ment's good disposition toward the Cherokees, and asking for a conference. Austin to John D. Hunter, Jauuar~• 4, 1827. Assuring him of general nm- uesty· for the Cherokees nnd the Fredonians and promising land fo1· the Cherokees. Thomas M. Duke to Austin, Junuury 4, 1827. Transmitting resolutions of lo:valty to the Government. Austin to his colonists, [January 5, 1827]. Strong argument against the im- prudence of the insurgents and for loyalty of the colonists. Resolutions of loyalty by the citizens of San Felipe, January 6, 1827. Satis- ffod with the Government and condemn the insurrection at Nacogdoches. George Orr to Austin, Junuary 7, 1827. Loyalty to Government; no sym- pathy for insurg~nts. Resolutions of loyalty-district of Bravo, January 9, 1827. Disapproval of the insurgents. Disgust at tlleir inciting Indians. Affidavit of John C. Morrison, January 11, 1827. Reporting moYernents at Nacogdoches. B. w. Edwards to ---, January 12, 1827. The li'redonian rebellion. Humphrey Jackson to Austin, January 13, 1827. Judicial procedure. Gaspar Flores to Austin, January 15, 1827. Nominating surveyors.
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