The Austin Papers, Vol. 1 Pt. 2

THE AUSTIN PAPERS~ 1085 DlVitt me ha saludaclo en nombre cle V. y he apreciado mucho sus saludes, asi como el que sea de los que han logrado establecerse en ese lugar,' y acercarse aV. pues los auxilios, y mutuos trabajos de tanto amigo Jes hara prosperar en utilidad propia, clel estado, y de la Nacion aque pertenecemos. Yo logro la oportunidad de la marcha de estos amigos pa· felicitar aV. y ofrecerle de nuevo mi arnistad y aprecio y tocla la consideracion de quien es, y sera spre su mas invc. y afmo amigo y el q. B. S. M. • Ju.AN BTJT'· DE ARISPE [Rubric]


Col. Stephen F. Austin to Berry and Battle Dr 1825 Feby. l\'laking n clesk for the Office, in trade_____________________ repairs on the new house_________________________________ March 19 Making a rough Door to the Office----------------.-------- Apl. 12 Making a small book case_________________________________

~50 12




1 Rec payment in ·run _____________________________·_________ $74. 50


Buffalow Bayou ifay 1 st 1825 Honorable Col I Expect to leave here in a few clays for Tuck- apaw and I wish to inform you of my oneasiness I met with a. young man on buffalow bayou by the name of Clair he was just from tuckapaw came in company with Mr Garner, and I was speaking of my half league at Dickson's Camp and he enquired if it was surveyed and I said nay, and be said he was the first man ·that improved it, and talkd .of contending for it, and I do not know how long it .has been since he quit the place, but I .Expect two years. I told him that the barings of the timber was taken and the beginning corner was establish, and he said he did not lrnow tha.t he should contend-I .do not :wish to be cut out of that piece by know means for it is all that I think much of, and if you think there is any clainger, I will give Mr. Ingram some thing Cleaver to have it surveyd, or in other words maid safe, if it is not safe, I hope you under stand me; vVM BLA:N:K& [A:ddre_~sed.=J Cql $i F,. Austm $1.10. F~lil?i d~ !.ust~

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