The Austin Papers, Vol. 1 Pt. 2

THE AUSTIN PAPERS. 1793 Austin to members of State legislature, November 20, 1826: (1) urging ex- tension of two yenrs for introducing slaves into Texns after ndoption of consti- tution, (2) urging that children of slnves be not liberated until age of 25. Austin to Saucedo, November 21, 1826. Explaining purpose of bis memorial to ayuntamiento of Bexar of November 7. Austin to Ahumada, November 21, 1826. Recommending a gunsmith. Impenchment proceedings against Alcalde of Nacogdoches, November 23, 1826. Fredonian rebellion. Nicholas Dorsey to Austin, November 26, 1826. Qualifications to teach school. Austin to --- Robbins, November 28, 1826. Borrowing mules to pay Anthony Butler. Governor to Legislature of Coahuila and Texas, November 30, 1826. Opposing abolition of slavery. • Green DeWitt to Austin, [abo.ut December 1, 1826]. Asking assistance in cnse of Thomas Powell, charged with illegal snle of tobacco. Austin to Saucedo, December 3, 1826. Reporting disturbances at Nacog- doches. Austin to R. H. Williams, December 4, 1820. Probate procedure. Austin to Saucedo, December 4, 182G. Movements of the insurgents at Nacog• docbes. Austin to Mateo Ahumada, December 5, 1826. Acknowledging order to assist milita1·y detachment. Robert Lewis to Austin, December 8, 1826. l\'lexican towns joining Austin iu petitioning legislature to extend time for introducing slaves. Jnrues Norton to Austin, December 13, 1826. Persecution of Green DeWitt and others by Doctor Olclivar. Samuel C. Haddy to Austin, December 14, 1826. Providing for a Mexican womnn. Robert Rankin to Austin, Washington County, Ala., December 14, 1826. Aholition of slavery will deter some from going to Texas but will be an added inducement to others. Religious toleration desirable. Austin to John A. Williams and B. J . Thompson, December 14, 1826. Advising them to make peace with the Government and dese1·t the Fredonian rebellion. Austin to postmaster at La Bahia, December 15, 1826. Passport for courier with dispatches concerning rebellion. Austin in account with Nicholns Clopper, December 15, 1826. Price list. • Austin to Saucedo, December 16, 1820. Reporting conditions In Nacogdoches. Fredonian rebellion. Elosua to Orr, December lG, 1826. Reporting that term bas expired for filing petitions for compensation for service in the early struggle for indepen- dence. • John P. Coles to Austin, December 17, 1826. Rumors of Indian hostilities. Alexander Oalvit to Austin, December 18, 1826. Concerning a crime for which he will return to be tried. Austin to Saucedo, December 22, 1826." Acknowledging communication from President concerning war with Comanches. Austin to B. J. Thompson, December 24, 1826. Urging him to make his pence with the Government and abandon the Fredonian rebellion. John Cameron to Austin, December 25, 1826. Application for land. B. W. Edwards and H. B. Mayo to inhabitants of Pecan Point, December 25, 1826. Objects of the Fredoninn rebellion. Soliciting cooperation. . B. W. Edwards to James Ross, Decembe1· 20, 1826. Urging him to Join tile r~belllon against Mexico.

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