Austin to Saucedo, October 14, 1826.
Asking thnt his secretnry be em-
powered to sell stumped paper. J. L. Dumandny to Austin, October 15, 1826. Concerning recovery of oxen stolen by Indians. Saucedo to Austin, October 10, 1826. Conceming extension of bounclill'ies of Austin's first colony. Henry Austin to Austin, October 20, 1826. E~-periences in Mexico. Ques- tions concerning trade with Texas. · Demand for llve onk. Enoch Brenson to Austin, October 23, 1826. Judicial procedure. Samuel C. Ilirams to Austin, October 23, 1826. Concerning building. Austin to Saucedo, October 24, 1820. Trnnsmitting report of births and deaths. Austin to Victor Blanco, October 24, 1826: Defending himself against mis- representations of Jo.mes Gaines. J. E. B. Austin to Austin, October 31, 1826. Horse trading in Mexico. Political gossip. Benjamin Decke1·d to Austin, October 31, 1826. Land business. John D. Martin to Austin, November 1, 1826. Introducing Benjamin F. Foster; Alexander Hodge to Austin, November 1, 1826. Application for land. Austin to Bastrop, November 3, 1826. Suggestions for legislation-judicial system, digest of laws, sub-political chief, recording titles, land fees, apooint- ment of commissioners to extend titles. Felix Robertson to Austin, November 5, 1826. Texan emigration from Tennessee. William Carroll to Austin, November 5, 1826. Introducing B. F. Foster. John Sprowl to Austin, November 5, 1826. Character of James Gaines. Jo.mes F. Perry to Austin, November 5, 1826. Title to i\line a Burton tract. Biographical. • Robert Desha to Austin, November 6, 1826. Introducing B. F. Foster. J. C. Payton to Austin, November 6, 1826. Application for land. Saucedo to Austin, November 7, 1826. Quoting vice governor's,_instruction for demarko.tion of coast reserve. Austin to Saucedo, November 7, 1826. Iuclosing a memorial to the ayunta- miento of Bexa1· concerning tariff. Austin to ayuntamiento of Bexnr, November 7, 1826. Interpretation of law exempting colonists from tariff duties. J. R. Harris to Austin, November 9, 1826. Judicial procedure. Austin to Saucedo, November 9, 1826. Nominating S. M. Williams to sell stamped paper. Depositions concerning counterfeit gold piece, November 10, 1826. James Kerr to Austin, November 11, 1826. Tl'Oubles of De.Witt's colonists with Martin De Leon. James Kerr to Austin, :t:l'ovember 12, 1826. Trouble with De Leon. Horatio Chriesman to Austin, November 13, 1826. • Delay in surveying due to sickness. Joseph W. Brown to Austin, November 14, 1826. Inquiries concerning constable's fees. Henry W. Munson to Austin, November 15, 1826. Describing boundaries of Atascosito district. Bastrop to Austin, November 18, 1826. Doings of the legislature. Slavery nrticle of the constitution recognizes existing slavery, forbids future introduc• tion of slaves, and frees children at birth. Erasmo Seguin to Austin, November 18, 1826. Reciprocal bospitallty.
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