THE AUSTIN PAPERS. 1791 Alexnncler Cmcler to Austin, September 5, 1826. Loss of a carnllada of mules und horses. Requesting Austin's assistance in recovering them from Tahuacnnos nm! \Vncoes. Saucedo to Austin, September 6, 1826. Payment to J. E. B. Austin of certain funds due Austin. Llttleberry Hnwldns to Austin, September 6, 1826. Publishes description of Texas in Kentucky pnpers. • Iuterest iu Texns. S-nuta Fe trade. Littleberry Hawkins· to Austin, September 6, 1826. Asl~ing for best mail route to Texas. Samuel C. Hirams to Austin, September 8, 1826. Building for Austin. Austin to Snuceclo, September 11, 182G. Discouragement of the colonists orer uncertainty couceruing slaYery. Indians. Saucedo to Austin, September 12, 1826. Reg1·etting arrival of electors at Bexar. Recommending Robe1·t Lewis. Stephen Holllles to Austin, September 12, 1820. Asking assistance in collec- tion of a debt. D. W. Smith to Austin, September 12, 1826. Application for land. Jobn Austin to .Austin, September 13, 1826. Asking for ginning supplies and other supplies. Dr. John Sibley to Austin, September 15, 1826. General news of the Unite<l States and Europe. S:unuel C. Hirams to Austin, September 16, 1826. Introducing F. W. John- son. Kicholas Clopper to Austin, September 16, 1826. Judicial procedure. Smt !or debt. Enclosures. James Cummins to Austin, September 19, 1826. Lost horse. H. H. League to Austin, September 20, 1826. Immigration from Tennessee. Saucedo to Austin, September 21, 1826. Must enforce laws against impo~ta- tion of certain goods. De Witt's settlement on the Lavaca temporarily ap- proved. Judicial system must wait on the constitution. J. E. B. Austin to Austin, September 23, 1826. Constitution will exclude sla,·ery, but_,,slaves of the first colony will be safe. Legislature hostile. Bo.s- trop's services to Texas. · George Orr to Austin, September 28, 1826. Asking for titles to land. Jobn Iiams to Austin, September 30, 1826. Misunderstanding concerning survey. Austin's reply. Francisco l\Iaynes to Ayuntamientos and local authorities, September 30, 1826. Quoting .tbe bishop's pastoral instructions. F. W. Johnson to Austin, October 1, 1826. Application for employment. Austin to Humphrey Fullerton, October 2, 1820. Immigration. Swiss col- onists. Slavery. Constitution. Samuel Norris to Austin, October 3, 1826. Conditions in enst Texas. Saucedo to Austin, October 5, 1826. Bastrop expects favorable change In slavery article of constitution. No supplies for Indian campaign. Saucedo to Williams, October 5, 1826. Passport. Regrets Austin's illness. J. L. Philips to Austin, October 5, 1826. Deposition. Austin to Ahumada, October 5, 1826. One of the Spaniards banished from Texas is delayed by illness. Austin to Saucedo, October 5, 1826. Certain Spaniards banished from Te.--cas. John McNeel to Austin, October 9, 1826. Delay in payment of dues. J. E. B. Austin to Austin, October 10, 1826. Leaving Saltillo. Favorable attitude of legislature toward slavery. Friends of the colony. Ramon Musquiz to Austin, October 11, 1826. Introducing a trader. 25007°-24--voL 2, PT 2--50
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