Austin to ayuntamlento of Bexar, August 14, 1826. Inclosing memorial to Congress concerning slavery, pointing out effects of abolition upon progress of the province, and urging use of influence against it. Austin to Saucedo, August 14, 1826. Informing him of the calling of meet- Ing of representath·es to concert plans of defense and offense ngainst Indians. Austin to Saucedo, August 14, 1826. Movements of various Imlians. John Ingram to Austin, August 16, 1826. A.pplication for land. James Kerr to Austin, August 18, 1826. Report on topography nt mouth of Lavaca River. Austin to Emily M. Perry, August 21, 1826. Conditions iu the colony-In: dinns, crops, sln~ery, biographical. James Gaines to Austin, August 21, 1826. Inquiries conceruing disturbing rumors. Slnvery. Saucedo to Austin, August 22, 1826. Election for State representative. Im- portant to elect Bastrop or. Padilla. Has been doing something on subject of slavery. ·' J.E. B. Austin to Austin, August 22, 1826. Authorities at San Antonio have made strong protest against abolition of slnYery. Feels sure that slaves of the first colony will be safe. Valuable services of Bastrop in representing interests of Texas. Much regret at union with Coahuila. Saucedo approves collection of fee from c~onists to reimburse you for labor and expense. Other matters. James Kerr to Austin, August 23, 1826. Excesses of Martin De Leon. Sau- cedo fo. vors cordial relations with the Cherokees. Elias R. .Wightman to Austin, August 23, 1826. Application for town site. Austin to Saucedo, August 25, 1826. Acknowledging three Fetleml decrees. Am~tin to Saucedo, August 25, 1826. Reporting concerning investigatloo of conditions in Eldwnrds's colony. Austin to Saucedo, August 25, 1826. Acknowledging information. Austin to Snucedo, August 25, 1826. Acknowledging nomination of Busta- mante to be commandant geoeral. Austin to Saucedo, August 25, 1826. Acknowledging inf0rmntion of a mis- print in a Ju w. Austin to Ahumada, August 25, 1-826. Acknowledgiug a letter. H. H. League to Austin, August 25, 1826. Asking information concerning the Government. Richard F'ields to Austin, August 27, 1826. Reporting movements and in- tentions of Comanches. Cherokees will cooperate with colonists. Austin to Saucedo, August 28, 1826. Asking approval of a plnn formulnted by a local convention for maintaining a standing militia force on frontier. Austin to colonists, August 28, 1826. Calling an election. Austin to Saucedo, August 28, 1826. Investigation of character of Peter Ellis Bean. Austin to Ahumada, August 31, 1826. Acknowledging letter of War De- partment concerning Indians. Green De Witt to Austin, September 3, 1826. Borrowing tools. Green De Witt to Austin, September 3, 1826. Indians. Trnnsportation. Colony affairs. J. E. B. Austin to Austin, September 3, 1826. Bastrop. Slavery. James Gaines to Saucedo, September 5, 1826. Reporting turbulence at Na- cogdoches nnd accusing Austin of disloyalty to the Government. Samuel Norris to Austin, September 5, 1826. Defending James Gaines and accusing Austin of violation of legal regulations.
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