The Austin Papers, Vol. 1 Pt. 2

THE AUSTIN PAPERS, 1081 Capt. Clark Can Inform you - Our River 1s now higher than it • [has been]. Since may 1803 Alexandria is rn danger [torn] ... Plantations [torn] :My Compliments ... ' ' JOHN [SIBLEY.] ' [Addressecl':] Honrble. Stephen F. Austin Capt. Clark Brassos


Colo Austin·

Bot of Thos Westall

1825 10th March •

$7.00 $4.00

7yds domestic 1.oo_'"''"'--;--:--------------------------:------ 4 " Bro bolland 1.0Q____...:____________________________ _ Thread_· --------------------------------------------- 1 lb Tobacco 150 1 skn silk 25_.:.___________.:____________ _ 1 Doz Segares 25 Thread 50_____.:.·----·-----------------.:. 1 Blk Silk hkff 2.00 1 lb Tobacco 1.50___________________ 3 ycls Blk holland 100 Thd 12~¢------------------------- paid yours ·to Jack 3.00 Thread 25 ___ ~ ___ :_ _____________ _ 3yds Bro holland 100____________________.:______________ 1 box boss balls 100______,_,;_____________:___:____________ _ paid Jack_. ____ •----------· ----------------------- ·___ do do ~ ------------------------------------------- 4 Doz Glass buttons 50---------:--:---------------------


11th · 15th · 19th

$1.75 75 3.50

26 27 Apl 13th

3.12½ 3 25 3 00 100


8.00 2.00 2.00


James B Austin To T ,v estall Dr 2 lbs Tobacco @ 1.50___: ____: _____________________.,.__________ !. 1 Comb ____________________________________________________ pd Abe and JerrY-----------------------------~------------- 1 Shirt for Jack------------------------,-------------------- 1 funnel----------------·•--------------·------------------ 1 Skein Silk____ • _· ------ •---- •_· -------------------------- 1 viol british oil ___ .:. _______________________________________ _ 1 Side Comb·---------------------------------------------- 4 Tin Cups________________________________________________ _


3. 00 75 2.50 2.31½

50 25 75 25 1. 50


1 Doz Skeins Silk ______ :___·_________________________________ 1. 50 2 bottle Antimonial wine________;______________:______________ l; 50 Cash------------------ ·· - . --- :---------------------------- 10.00 Cash for fodder----,-.----------------,---------'---------------- 25

13. 25

24.06¼ 60. 00

draft of Saucedo__._.________.:______________________________________ Amt. ~rot, from other side----·-.:.---------------------------------

39. 75


discoun~ of 33 1/3 pr. on 53.81 to make it equal to cagh______________

17. 97


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