The Austin Papers, Vol. 1 Pt. 2

-THE AUSTIN PAPERS. 1079 will as soon·as he·n.r'frves in :Mexico move the Subject of the setling our Boundary Line-I had a severe Pleuretic Attack in :March but have got well.- •• Jon?IT SIBLEY [Rubric] Col. S. F. Austin.

• ' ~ ' '


En ·c~pli~i~·nto con 1~· ~ntecedente orden de· V. levante nueve hombres de la milicia ,y,me ·puse en,ma~cha sin demorn para el fio Trinidad en perseguimi_ento de los referidos reos; y cosa de -seis leguas este laclo del dho. rio encontre..con el Sor. .Pedro Porcela y otros vecinos de· Nacogdoches quien .me ·dieron la .noticia .q 0 el dho Valentin y sus compafieros havian salido del paso de la Trinidad siete clias antes para los Indios .Tahuncanos. .En consequencia de esta noticia y las excesivas lluvias y .el mucho crecim·' 0 de los arroyos me hallo ·obligado a volver sin hallar los dhos reos. San Felipe de Austin 20 de Abril .1~25 1 . ., .Horu..TIO CmnES?tfAN . [Ru.bric] • Al Ten-ta Co 1• Estevan F. Austin. _


' ' Col STEPHEN F. AusTiN New Orleans 21. April 1825 • DJ<~AR SIR The Beare1; of this Mr Ke~'l' '·is n :om: :Missouri and moving to your Country with all his I family, both :[White~] and Black-he has been here some time waiting·a passage- As we have never Exactly understood the nature of your laws relative to Slavery I could not answer many of Mr Kerrs inquiries on that head, but have assured him slaves have been taken there and held- I hope will find no difficulty with .his,•as it··would ruin an helpless family should he loose them.i Mr Kerr has been only known to me a few weeks but I am fully convinced he is a worthy man, and I hope he will be found a Valuable Citizen of your infant Republic- Genl. Lafayette has just left us;,. You·will learn :from :Mr Kerr with ·what ·enthusiast h~. •was re~ei.ved among u5-,-;he has gone to St Louis I have not heard·from Mrs.Hawkins very lately- : _NATH: Cqx


Bexar 22 .de Abril de·1825.

.Ciudadnno ·EsTEVAN F. AusTIN • MI APRE0IABLE AMIGO Y SoR: Con fha. 8 de.Abril 1~1e escrive mi Papa dela villa del Saltillo y me encarga salude a V. d~ SU parte que

1 Bexar Archl.ves, Unlve1·slty cit Texas. See this subject Februa1·y Hi, April 1, 2, 18:.!a.

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