The Austin Papers, Vol. 1 Pt. 2



crensing. in England they will fa.11 more than 50,000 Bales short of the ordinary supply. they depended on Egypt for a supply which has failed. Such as they have Rec_eived is so full of sand it cannot be "'orked and the danger of its bringing the Plague is a stronger objection to it, the demand in the United Stutes for our own manufactories increases beyond all calculations, two million Dollars worth of Articles of cotton manufacture of the U. S., were exported to South America in a part of last year:- :Mr. Adams is President. :Mr. C]ay Secretary of State :Mr. Rush Secty of the Trensury. James Barbour of Virginia Secty of '''ar. J.\fr. Southard of N. Jersey of the Navy. i\1r. vVert Atty. Gen 1• ]\fr. 1-IcLea.n of Ohio Post master Gen'- so that there is no doubt but l\fr. Adams has an able Cabinet. Mr. Clinton of N. York was nominated J.\finister to London but being lntely appointed Governor declined accepting the appointment. I do not know who·is Nominated in his place. Mr. Everett of l\fassachusetts is :Minister to Spain in place of place of Gen1. Nelson who wants to come home. J.\fr. Poinsette of S 0 • Carolina is Minister to Mexico. Col Forbs Charge of Affairs a.t Buenos Ayres. Mr. Allen continues at Chili and Mr. Anderson a.t Columbia. none appointed to Peru. Consuls are appointed for several places.- Red River is now higher than it has been since 1803 and rising. it :Must overflow Alexandria and it will injure the crops in ma.ny places Bridges and Roads suffer much I31udworths great Bridge Over Red River is gone-Gen1. Lafayette is now in New Orleans in no place has greater preparation been made to Receive him; he goes up the :Mississippi and Ohio a.nd is to be at Boston the 17 th of June the AnniYersary of the Battle of Bunker Hill. Our Congress h:ive given him 200,000 dollars and a Township of Land I believe not yet lo- cated.-Congress has under consideration a Bill Reported by the ~ommittee on Foreign Relations for the suppression of Pi[racy] which did not pass with all the provisions. If it had it was thought it would have Resulted in a '\Var with the sections stricken out were the Blockading the Island of Cuba. Landing a.ncl persuing the pirots. and Reprisals the Bill as it has passed augments our Navy and Leaves some discretion with the President relative to the employing of it. England has Recognized the Independence of all Spanish America. France and Holland will do it. You will oblige me if you will give me as Early information as you can Relative to .Mrs. Robinsons affairs. I want to write to her, her eldest son is a 1Hidshipman in the Navy and with Commodore Porter and of high promise.- , Please to present my compliments to your Brother and to J.\fr. Cook.-1 shall be glad to Receive a letter from you J.\1r. Poinsette

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