THE AUSTIN PAPERS. 1077 better treated except that they have more J\-foney-I have viewed every thing in as fair a light as I could; from report I know that sum men get half a league ancl clont pay a cent because the other half is transferred to You or Your Brother I know that lands are unequilly divided I do not considder Myself a perfect simpleton neither am I blind lVly Eyes are open and I look and watch with vigilence: My demands are small compared to ,vhat the demands of others are and in as :Much as My sufferings have been great and in the hight of friendship I hope you will grant them which are .My two locations I have previously Made if You refuse granting that which I think the Government will generously bestow on me I shall apply to that authority which governs us both for so much as I think in justice I am lacking- As I shall have Company in a short time to go with and the means of going I wish you to give me a positive and speedy answer so that I May know what to do Yours Respectfully . A. C. BucK:NER.
Nachitosh April 20-1825
Dn. Sm. :Mr. Sherboneir has just. called at my House to inform me he was about setting off for your Country. I was from home, and have but a few minutes to write. If I had have had a longer notice should have written you a longer letter. Should you see Mr. Sherbonier you will find him well informed and intelligent, an Amiable Dis- creete man Esteemed here by all who know him, you will collect from him very correctly whatever has come within his knowledge, I am sorry I cannot send you a list of the Acts passed the last session of Congress. you will have understood for some time past a con- siderable trade has been carried on from [St.] Louis to New Mexico, this has Attracted the Attention of Government and a Road is to be opened from St. Louis to Sta Fee. A council is appointed to Reside at Chehuawa and another nt Sta fee. this has opened the Eyes o:f Govt. Relative to the Rnft. in Red River and }.1:easures are about to be taken to open it, when I believe Steam boats will be able to assen<l within a day or two's Journey :from Sta Fee, if this is clone the whole current of the Intercourse witl1 New Mexico will be by way of Reel River and the whole valley of it will Soon be settled. and the time may come when more cotton may go out of Red River than now goes out of the mississippi. Cotton was sold in New Orleans as high as 24 cents pr. lb last week the dem.6-nd in.-
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