No tengo mas tpo. de escrivir V memorias a Dn. Santiago y alos amigos y V. reciba el afecto de quien tiene el honor de serlo suyo y S. M. B. • JosE ANT 0 SAUCEDO [Rubric] . P. D. Ahora le combina asu am 0 • el pafio que Vmd le ofrecio, y un buen Sombrero. , Si hubiere una resma de papel bucno me lo mandari V. avisandome su importe.
Colorado 20 th April 1825
DnSm, . The lands I made choice of was never taken by any person pre- vious to my locations one of whieh I have been informed you have taken from me after having your word which I conceived sufficient I should have one league and a half: I wrote to you to reduce the quantity of my land rather than people should blame you on my account-- Now Sir in 1812 and 1813 I fought for that independence under which we now live Commanded by Guterrez and advanced property for the good of the Expedition; after which I was conserned with Gen 1 Menes [.Mina]: after which with Gen 1 Truspilassos and Long and lost considerable property taken by Enatio Paris all of which I believe I can make rrianifest- to the world: In addition I was one of the first men who built a Cabbin on this River, the first man who had a plough stuck in the field I have kept a house ever since I have been settled in your Colony I have never asked the first Cent for a man eating under my Roof and have fed as many and I believe more people than any man in this Colony Yourself not excepted and have not recd the first cent I have lost as much and I believe more property by the depra.dations of Indians·than every other man on this River or perhaps in the Colony with very fe,v exceptions Consequently I consider Myself as :Much entitled to be satisfyed as other men ought to ·be and My impressions were that you would not take away my land even if you did not think proper to give Me what you said you would; but that I might apply to Government for the lands which I locatecl and if I cannot ·obtain satisfaction :from you I shall most certainly loose No time in hav- ing recourse to our Government stating all ·the rights and reasons of my demands- 1 Now Sir I will appeal to your-self or any candid man whither other men ought to have more land or has a better right to request more than .Myself or Not I know no other reasons of their getting
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