The Austin Papers, Vol. 1 Pt. 2



gress[es] very well at school, they say that [you must] keep their poneys for them ;-for that they intend [going] as soon as Uncle Stephen or Brown gits .Married- My Dearest Brother I beg of you ·to write [often] you cannot conceive the pleasure l\1r. Perry [and I] feals when ever we receive letters from you. [Be assur]ecl that they shall be punctually answered ea[ther by him] or myself, .Mr. Perry joins with me and the Children in [praying for] the health happiness and prosperity of your self and Stephen; I [hope you will] not forgit to send Mrs. John Perry the S'eeds you promised her, she has [gone to] 01·leas, for n short time- y our Affectionate Sister, Emily • Col. Stephen F Austin [for J.E. B..Austin] San Felipe de Austin Rio Brazos Province of Texas To the care of Jared Cable Esq Natchitoches Louisianna

RonERT LEWIS TO A usTIN Schooner May of Orleans, Red Fish Bar

April lllh 1825

CoL. AusTIN, DSir,

If My acquatence are sufficient, I beg leaf to introduce to your acquantence, :Mr. Jessie Cartwright, from near ,voodville l\1issP 1 e planter of hie respectibility. . he wishes to become a settler in your coliney, you will no doubt, be pleasd· with him on acquaitance,-we have had a teadious trip from N. Orleans four weeks yesterday since we left there, we have 36 passengers. I have upwards of $3000 in goods some Grocer[ie]s for this country, and goods for the Span- ish Market, I am anctious to git them to your Town as soon as possable, I should like to have waggons enough to take them all at one trip, in weight I have about 7500 or 8000 lbs. If you could send to waggons to Meet Me at the ware house I would take it as .a particular favor,-The schooner draws upward of seven feet water she has to be lightened, it will be from 6 to 10 clays before we can git to Doer. Hunters, then my good will [be ta]ken [to] : .. [imme]diately ... I should like to know by the return of Mr. Cartwright, if I could depend on the waggons, if I can, I will send an express on :My arrival at Doer. Hunters to let then now what day to meet me at the warehouse ROBERT LEWIS [Rubric] P. S. I have a letter for Mr. William, from his Brother, and a Book a Leger or register, R L

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