THE AUSTIN PAPERS. 1065 he did not liked it he could let it alone I told him as he had been taulcking of Runing Bir a ground and some times of Cutting a way the :Masts if he would now slip the Cable and hoist Sail it was most likely we could get hir thru the Pass of Red fish bar and if we could I cou~d bring her into the San Jacinto and lay her safe a long the banck he then gave orders to slip the Cable Maicking sail the Schooner by this time wns so fast a ground she would not mind her helm Capt. Carrico then gave orders to hoist all the sail we could and run hir a ground-at this time there was on board Capt parrico the Cook Robert Passmon the guard and my self while I Remained on board I took no Command of the Vessel further than preventing hir pulling to say the Guard and I obayed Capt Carrico orders and as- sisted in every thing he wanted to be don we don the most of the pumping the Vessel being very leaky JAMES STRANGE April 3 1825
Citizen Stephen F; Austin, Lieut. Colonel of the National ·Militia, of the river Brazos and Colorado, Judge ad interim for the admin- istration of justice, and Empresario of this Colony.-Most respect- fully represents to your Excellency, that: having already completed the settlement of the three hundred families which the Supreme Government of !vfexico authorized me to introduce into this Province of Texas. Application is made to me daily to receive and settle more families, as colonists, some of which have already arrived· here, others are on the road, and have written to me, besides . a number amounting to nearly three hun- dred, who have applied to me from Louisiana, M.ississippi, and Ala- bama. The only reply I have made at present to them, is, that I would make their applications known to the Supreme Government of the State, Stating to them, that it is out of my power to grant· them license or permission to occupy or appropriate any land what- ever, in the district under my charge, until the resolution of the Government should be known. Among the applicants, are some few of bad repute, these I have ordered to depart forthwith out of the limits of this Jurisdiction; a measure of Executive Police which circumstances required me to take, to preserve good order, and tranquility among these worthy Colonists, in consequence of which, that class of people are very much irritated against me, and 1 T1·anslatlon from Record of Empresarlo Contracts, 1825-ISSCS, pp. 48-50. Oenernl Land Ofllce of Texas. There is a Spanish copy 1n Austin's Blotter, l.n file of August !!6, 1824,
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