AUSTIN TO ALCALDE OF NACOGDOCHES l Con este insierto a V la adjunta Cordellera 2 del Sor. Gefe Civil acidental del departamto de Texas p• qe V. disponga en la pa1te q 0 le toca lo necesario pa su mas exacto y pronto Cumplimiento. He mandado al Capt" de la 1filicia de esta Colonia cl Ciucladano Horacio Chrisman en perseguimt 0 de los referidos Reos Valentin y sus Compafieros y si acaso este oficial llcga hta Nacogdoches re- quiero de V. en el nombre de la Republica y lo suplico de parte mia ayudarle en qt 0 toca a sus deberes, pa arrestar los dhos Reos y q 0 a la mayor brevedad V devuelva dha Cordellera a la superioridad de este Departamto de Texas como en ella esta ordinardo. Dios y Libertad San Felipe de Austin 2° de Abril de 1825 EsTEVAN F. AusTIN [Rubric] Al Ciudadano Pedro Procela Alcalde Constitucional del distrito de N acogcloches
Sm Inclosed you have the statement of James Strange Respecting the time he was on board the Schooner :Mary he has had no opportunity of seeing the Alcalde since you requested me to get it he says he _is willing to swair to it any time if requested he being very busay at present , I have every reason to belive the within statement of Mr. Strang to be Correct I am certain he would not state any thing but what was true the Settlers on the East of the San Jacinto is unani- mous to Continue in your Collony they are willing to sine any Pe[ti]tion for that purpose if you are willing to accept us in your Collony I have not been at the Trinity since I seen you and has not any thing particular to mention
To Cor 1 SF Austin San Jacinto April 3 rd 1825 • Austin Collony District of San Jacinto
James Strange the Constable for said District Recd. an Attachment from H Jackson Alcalde for said District against the Master and owners of the Schooner :Mary which Attachment I Executecl on the Said Schooner on the first of :May 1825 at Red fish Bar for severe! days after I went on board the wind blowing a gail at South and South East the Vessel Drifting with one Anchor we put the Cabose out with the small lower Cable it held her a few ours she again Drifted and commenced thumping Capt. Carrico Asked my Advice what was best to do I told him if I give my advice I_ mi~h~ be_ ron_g he told me no he Asked for it and I could not be rong m g1vmg 1t if
Nacogdoches Archives, Texas State Library. : :~mend! to Austin, Februnl'y 15, 1825. Also Austin to Beramendl, Aprll 4, 1825.
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