The Austin Papers, Vol. 1 Pt. 2

THE AUSTIN PAPERS. . 1061 John Q. Adams has been Duly Elected; we have not much news more than Mr Smith can inform you; thare is great hopes of the United States becoming Peaceable-possession of the Province of Texas as far as the Rio grande By a letter Mr. Johnson Received from his Farther in Orleans Last Saturday, he advises his sone to not sell his land claims in Texas that in conversation with some gentleman in Orleans he states that our Minister to :Mexico is ' about to conclude a Trety with -the Mexican Republic for the Province of Texas- the Rio grande to be the line between the two governments 1 I hope you will Reserve me a League of Land in some good Place on the River Brassos:or Colorado, Mr Smith ha~ spoken to me about a league on the colorado Perty low down you would be the best judge of that I shall be out in may and Esqr JHcGuffin says he will come with me without fail sickness excepted The led [lead], I have tried evry Person to take it out that was going out· I may get ~fr. Payton to take some out in a week or two, if you should want any thing from our Place pleas write and I will Send it out to you Pleas to give,my Respects to your Brother and Pleas to accept my best and well wishes towards you, and blive me J. CABLE To Col. Stephen F. Austin St. Felip de Austin Rio Brazos Province of Texas


Bexar 21 de Marzo de 1825

Sor. D° FELIPE NERI BARON DE BASTROP M UY SENOR l\IIO Y Al\IIGO: acompafio a V; la adj unta c~pia q. me ha escrito el Sor. D 0 Estevan de Austin y por ella se impondra V. de las nuevas ideas q. le animan para el fomento de esta Prova- y la dirixo a V. pr- q. como amante de esta desgraciada Provn ponga todo su influxo a qe. se consigan en_todas sus partes las propociciones qe. hace el Sor Austin qe. me parese sera el mejor media qe. hara. felices a estos havitantes. Desde q. V. se fue de esta ninguna de sus amigos han recibido ni unn letra consideramos sea la causa las grandisimas ocupnciones q. le rodearan. • No dexe V. de escribirle al Sor Trespalacios y digale que su Cache esta enteramente perdido qe. solo se puecle Ila contar con el fierro q. _ D 0 Juan de Berumencli dice lo tomara en cuenta del pico qe. le cleve que me diga sobre el particular lo qe. devo hacer. GASPAR FLORES [Rubric]

• Clay's instructions to Poinsett to move !or an adjustment ot the boundury which would 'l'exns to the United Statea were dated Mnrch 26, 182G.

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