The Austin Papers, Vol. 1 Pt. 2

THE AUSTIN PAPERS. 1055 or other expences on their Lands and that I will not be accountable for the payment of such orders in any other way, all persons who hold any of the above paper are notified to present it without delay. San Felipe de Austin 5 th March 1825 STEPHEN F. AusTIN [Rubric] ,v ESTALL TO JARED E GnoCE

March 5 th 1825

.Col. GnoCE Sm Mr. Talley will call on you for the corn and Bacon-you told me you would let me have be so good as to send it by him and I will pay you the money when cald for allso pleas send 4 Bushels for Capt Davis and Sartan too Gentlemen that came with me to this place and I will pay you for it • THOS. WESTALL Recd of the with in ten dollars in cash from S. F.'Austin JARED E GnOOE Recd. of Mr. Groce ten bushels of corn-for Mr. Westall-which I promise to deliver to him in San Felipe de Austin- DAVID TALLY March, 19th, 1825:


Red River Rapide Louisiana March 9 th 1825

Col STEPHEN F AUSTIN DEAn Sm Having been an early visitor of your part of the country and always entertained of it a favourable opinion I in con- templation to move to that part of the Country on Condition thnt I can purchase land of you My Friend ,vmiam G Grant [is] the bearer of this I have obligated myself to him to let him have two or three hands to build Gins Saw mills or any other building that he thinks proper to build Also I have a.greed to furnish all irons Gin stand etc any obligation or contrat he makes or binds himself to you I will be willing to comply with lsAAO D. O~LEM ( Y) N B not having the pleasure of being Personal accounted [ac- quainted] with you I will refer you to Capt R Jones or James Jones, Randolph and Isaac Foster 25067°-24-VOL 2, PT 2--4

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