The Austin Papers, Vol. 1 Pt. 2

THE AUSTIN PAPERS, 1051 promised you, and cannot possibly go now until the Month of November next-I am sorry to tell you that it is out of my power to send you any money at this time, but will endeavor to do so by the time my Brother :Michael and Mr. H. Connell goes over which will be in June next, they are determined to go and have set the first of June to start, The bearer ¥r. Lawrence Ramey my friend will give you all the necessary information respecting my intentions etc. Be so good as to continue to hold the land you promised me for Brother :Michael and l\fr. Hugh Connell until they arrive Mr. Ramey will leave here in two or three days for the purpose of pro- curing his and for other purposes and will ,go with Mr. Huff by the way of New Orleans K HoLLDIAN STEPHEN F OusTIN Esq.

1"1ARTIN DE LEON TO AUSTIN Villa de Guadalupe de Victoria Febrero 22 1825

Sor Dn. ESTEVAN F. AUSTIN ~Ii apreciabilisimo Sor y amigo: He tenido la mayor satisfaccion en recivir la q. V. ha tenido la bondad de dirigirme pr. el Capn. Roxo: .deseaba con todo interes ponerme en contestacion con V. p 11 ofrecerle mis cortos servicios los q. espero se dignara admitir con toda fran- queza ordenandome lo q. guste. La oferta q. V. me hace de las familias la ncepto, suplicandole me envie las q. pueda pr· q. en el dia estoy casi solo y me encuentro con pocos hombres q. impongan respeto a los Yndios si tratan de incomodarme. El orden q. sigo p 11 • distribucion de Terrenos y demas es el mismo q. dicta el ultimo plan de colonizacion. l\1e tomo la livertad de encargarle si hay en esas habitacionM algun chochecito pa· camino me de aviso pa disponer vayan a re- conocerlo y tratar de ajuste. Luego q. los caminos se compongan tendre el honor de pasar avisitarlo y mientras no cluclo disponga del mucho afecto q. le pro- fesa su mui amigo q. B. S. M. MARTIN DE LEON [Rubric]


Woodville 26 th Feby 1825

DEAR Sm, On the ret1:1rn of Mr. Holliman and Mr. Huff from your country last fall they informed me that they had got your promise to reserve a League of land for me, on condition that I would agree to settle

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