Cofradias qe se hayen fundadas en dhas. parroquias qe presenten sus titulos y libros de cuentas qe hayan seguido de los cauclales de ellos: limosnas o qualesquiera otras intereses qe. les pertenescan. Y p• que llegua a noticia de todos y nadie alegue ignorancia J\1andamos qe. este Ntro. Edicto se lea publicamt• en la J\1isa mayor del primer dia festivo, se asiente en el libro de Gobn° se saque una copia exacta y sefixa en la parte acostumbrada, y el original siga-el derrotera qe asigna el Margen-Dada en Ntra Sala ·Vicarial de Bexar firmadT> de Nos. y refrendado de Ntro. Pro. Notaria de Gobn° y Vicitor a 18 de Febrero de 1825-Juan Nepom 0 Vico. Foraneo de Texas-Vic- toriano Zepeda-p1·0 N ot 0 P. s. SLOCUM TO J.E. B. AUSTIN Natchitoches February 20th 1825 Permit to introduce to your polite attention ]\fr Thompson a. gentleman of aclmowledged Worth and J\1erit-you will confer a particular favour by showing him every attention in your power- I am sorry I can not at this time give you something interesting from this quarter: but there is so little matter for news in a little country village like Natch 8 that not much can be Expected-all that is stiring in the political world you will Learn by the Newspapers which I send you. the result of the Presidential Election has not been heard of. but at an Early hour I will inform you-It is generally supposed J\fr. Adams will .be Elected Virginia, Delaware, Illinois, Louisiana, and New York with New England States will support him consequently Crawford will be out of the question with much propriety-Upon the whole I think the contest a close one involved in much doubt-We shall know the fate of the candidates in a few days-Judge Johnson our late member of Congress has been re- elected to the Senate of the U States in opposition to Mr. Living- . ston-a striking proof of popularity not originating from Talent but Exalted worth-Mr. Smith a young man of merit will leave here in ten or fifteen days and you shall have a long Letter from me on miscellaneous Subjects be content with the preceding scraps P. S. SLOouM [Rubric] JAMES B AusTIN Province of Texas DEAR Sm:
Woodville state of Mississippi Wilkerson Uounty Feby 21•t 1825
In consequence of the failure of our corn and the want of money it has put it out of my power to go to your country as soon as I
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