tro sistema de Govierno, p~ro no me lo permite el tieinpo; solo asegurare qe. son muchos y buenos nuestros brincos Republicanos, como tendremos el gusto de berlo dentro de poco. Por hahora aunque nos maltratran en esta Prov8· los Yndios y Ladrones, como no es nn mal Nacional no tenemos qe. aflixirnos y si procurar quitarnos como puedamos a los quatreros inter el Go- vierno gosa de mejor posicion para qe. les podamos dar una surri- ba.mba. razera y vivir trnnquilos en este Pu.is de abundancia. Empefiese V. amigo mio, en pillarme a los ladrones y no tolere V. por Dios, qe. ninguno se cruse sin pasaporte de aqui 6 de la Ba.hia, pues aqui ya nos acaban a ladronicios, y yo no tengo mas esperanzas qe. es su buena gente. No tengo tiempo pn mas sino pn ofrecerle mis amistades y afectos a V. y su hermano a quien me saludara, no dejando oseosos los deseos .de este su S. S. JuAN :MAnTIN DE BERAMENDI [Rubric]
Tuscumbia Franklin County
North Alabama Feb 15th 1825
DR Sm I wrote you a long letter several months ago and have been anxiously expecting an answer for a considerable time past, but thus far my wishes have not been gratified. I am inclined to think from your silence that the letter miscarried and as a good opportunity offers by a Mr Royal who is about starting for your settlement I embrace it to make a second communication. It would afford me much pleas- ure to receive from you as an old and highly esteemed acquaintance a long letter filled with information relative to yourself and the country in which you reside. Much interest is excited about your settlement and respectable people here are verry anxious to obtain satisfactory information upon the subject. In order to satisfy this laudable curiosity and to gratify my own private wishes I venture to ask you several questions which will be the easiest and best way of satisfying both, them and myself. I wish to know what the feel- ings of the Govt are at this time upon the subject of religion. Will it wink at liberty of conscience and permit good and worthy inhabit- ants to peaceably assemble and worship their God in the way most agreeable to their feelings without evincing any disposition to make proselytes or to interfere with the prevailing religion of the country. This is a subject of vast importance to the people of these U States and has a most powerful effect in preventing respectable families
J Printed ID Teza.s Hi$torj/ Teacher's B"lletl~, Februl\ry 15, 1018.
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