too late yol'l will reserve a League of la.nd for us. if proper you may enter it in the name of Mrs Eliza Page widow of the late vVm- A. Page and her three sons or in my name if the above should not be prc:,per Mrs Pages object in that Country would be to make a living by keeping a house of entertainment. for this purpose I should require two lots in Town ajoining as one would oe too small to hold the necessary buildings and stables, I should likewise stand in need of a Labour to furnish firewood and timber as well as raise corn and vegetables for the family-If I can arang my business as I have a prospect of doing my plan is to come out and put up the necessary building in the Spririg and then move out, I wish you would write me in answer to this which must determin my coming to the Brassos- I wish my Idea of moving to the Brassos may not be macl0 public as it would injure the sale of my improvement here- ANTHr. R CLARKE [Rubric] Col Stephen F. Austin
Dn. Sm Agreeable to your [request] of the 22. of Deer. I Cald on Mr· Lynch Mr-Scott and Straing and finding it would be the saim diffi- culty as before owing to the Pertinaciousness of Lynch I named 6 Men and alowed him to object to any· he did not like the other Two agreed to the saim men we appointed the 1 st of J anry to :Meet Mr. Hughs and Two of the Arbitrators not appiering l\1r- L wanted to appoint another day he not greeing to name any Two that was present we proceded to lay of ·the Labor l\1r. L Calcl in John Tay- lor to prove Conditional Lines between Straing and Scoot it also appierd that Lynch extend his claim at different times it was since a falling out betwen him and Straing that he Claimed the spot he was contending for Straing setled by Consent of parties inclosecl you have a copy of the decision which in my oppinion is a Just one and have don equal Justice to all parties- I with pleasure inform you this is the first business of any consequence I have don as Al- calde and is in hopes that my time of service will expire more agre- able than I expected-I wish to call your attention to setting a per- manent ferry on the San Jacinto at the .Mouth of Buflow Byo we laibour under a grait disadvantage at present It is the most cen- tral place to do business in this district and I expect the main thor- oughfare rode will be this way I thinck it ought not to be left at the will of those who taick it in their tract of land and live at a distance I have been thinking of several wais such as laing a La- bore or reserveing a place for a Town you are the best Judge I know of no peri;on wishing to settle there but am certain [there
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