THE AUSTIN PAPERS. 1043 elected to the U. S. Senate not with standing the most outrageous Slander was circulated ag,tinst him by his enemies Rectors, Benton Govnr ]\'1 11 Nair and others it is not yet known who will be our next President went to the house of Representatives (Jackson had the highest vote Adams next and Crawford next Clay was left out Crawfords friends have no hopes the contest will be between Jack- son and Adams. There is now here an agent to lease the U. S. Lead mines he has granted some leases. the miners are not willing to Submit he leases under a Law of 1807 which is thought here does not autherise the leasing of them. if his leases are inforsed it will make a great alteration in the Lead business I think for the worse the leases are for 3 years. :Mrs Henry Elliott is in this place teaching school from hir present prospects she expects to have a large School against next summer. She wishes to be remembered to you. .Your Sister and Children are well Joel and Austin are going to School Guy and :Mary Grow finely. 1Vrite to us by every oppertunity as we are always anxtious to here· from you. 1Vm and Jn° Perry are well 1Vill has no wife and John has no Children. 1\1:rs Sam 1 Perry has been in St Louis all winter with her Daughter Mrs Farris Sam 1 writes to us offin they are all well a Brother of the Handy which Sam 1 Shot made an attempt to Shoot Sam 1 in St Louis not long since but Sam 1 jumped in on him and took his pistol from [him] prevented him from shooting and let him go again. •Old Risse} and Price are Blamed for seting him on. Emily joins me in our Best wishes for your wellfare and prosperity also give our best respect to your Brother Brown and permit me to subscribe myself your Brother . JA• F. PERRY In your next please direct us how to direct our letters if this is not the right , [Addressed:] Co 1• Stephen F Austin Rio Brazos Province of Texas To the Care of Jared Cable Esqr Natchitoches-
vVilkenson. C 0 • Miss. 15 Feby 1825.
STEPHEN F. A usTrN EsQ. DEAR Sm I avail myself of the return of :Mr Huff to your Settlement, to acknowledge the receipt of your communication to me through him. I am extremely anxious to visit you and examine the soil of your Lands, of which I have had the most favorable re- ports, and unless prevented by circumstances beyond control shall have that pleasure, in the course of the coming Spring or Summer,
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