THE AUSTIN PAPERS. 1041 resultar de una novacion 6 variacion anticipada enla ley colonial por q. esta podria causar sino una cabal desorganizacion dela colonia a.lo menos un entorpecimiento fatal, y he aqui por lo q. crey6 la comicion q. hasta despues de seis afios de publicada esta ley la legislatura del Estado no podria variarla enlo q. dispone sobre el reconocimiento y precio q. se bade pagar por los terrenos, y la cantidad y calidad enq. estos deben repartirse alos Nuebos pobladores y venderse alos Mej i canos. · Los fundamentos desus demas observaciones manifesto la Comi- cion rasonadamente q. selas reserbaba porlo q, y quedando verificada entodas sus partes la exposicion que se propuso concluye ya re- asumienclose enlos articulos siguientes, 1 q. sujeta al juicio y delivera- cion de esta Honorable Asamblea.
Mine a Burton Feb 1 14 th 1825
DEAR Sm We receivecl your letter of the 17 th of December last about ten days since and at your request I now address you. Brown Austin started from Herculaneum about the 3d day of November on the 23d of the same month he wrote to us from Natchez- he had got there safe and well and I expect he is with you long ere this. 1Ve are anxiously looking every mail for a letter from him from Natchetoches. With respect to your sister and myself moving to that Country we have not yet come to any determination. I have some thoughts of visiting,. your Colony and if I am pleased with it we may move there but I have some Scrouples to surmount before, I can get my own con- sent to leave my native Country, to leave the best Government in the world for a strange Country and strange Laws causes cerious re- flections, but perhaps on·visiting the country and becoming acquented with your Laws and your Government Settles down on Republican principles as there is now every prospect that it will I may become reconciled to change country. I will now state to you our prospects, with industery and econemy I know we can make a;n independent 1 A bill containing 49 articles Is omitted. With aome verbal dllierences, unimportant except as Indicated, it Is the same as the Jaw of March 24. 1825. See Gammel, Laws of Tezas, I, 125-133. Article 17 of the law, as passed, provides !or augmentation by the government, tor cause, of the amount of land that could be allowed a family. Thia 111 not contained in the bill, but see Bastrop to Austin. March 19, 1825. Article 33 of the bill exempted tor ten years farming machinery and tools from the payment of all duties and taxes except the alcabala. The law omits this-probably because tt might have en- croached o_n federnl jurisdiction. Article 42 of the blll specifically fixes the number of officers tor nyuntamlentos, In accordance with the Spanish decree of Mny 23, 1813, while the lnw disposes of the subject In a general clause. The blll and report are signed by ,Tuan Vioente Campos, Bnron de Bnstrop, Jos~ l\tnrla Viesca, lllld Santiago del Valle. • Original in of Mrs. Emmett L. Per17.
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