The Austin Papers, Vol. 1 Pt. 2


THE AUSTIN PAPERS. .. The deep interest I take in the prosperity of the State, seeing that the families above-mentioned are wealthy and possess adequ&.te means; that lands have not been apportioned to them; that they will be under the necessity (unless promptly attended to) of return- ing to Louisiana; in which event, we shall lose these valuable and useful members of society. All this, I say, compels me to submit to the high consideration of your Excellency, the situation of the in- habitants of the Trinity and Neches; and to inf_orm your Excellency of the continual applications they are making to be organized.- )'. our Excellency will, notwithstanding, determine in the matter, that which may be most suitable. Your Excellency is well aware that the Savage Indians infesting Texas are numerous; that they will use every exertion to prevent themselves from being streightened, or brought nnder subjection to the laws, by the ·settlers, and doubt- less, we shall feel the effects of this disposition on their part; and as the number of families is only three hundred, we are·scarcely able to defend ourselves against them, without attempting offensive op- erations of warfare; but if your Excellency will grant me permis- sion to settle three hundred families more in· the same manner as those already settled I will locate them on the upper Brazos and Colorado, on the San Antonio Road; thereby augmenting our physi- cal force, and by being in communication with the colonists already i;ettlecl, will at the same time prevent.the incursions of the Tehuacanos, and the great depredations which they commit on those roads, and even at San Antonio. Should your Excellency be pleased to accede to the establishment of this new settlement, I guarantee, that, it shall be effected forthwith; and the evils which we are now suffering, will be remedied; I reiterate to your Excellency, that, the only motive which animates me, is the desire to contribute as a true Citizen, to the happiness and prosperity of the :Mexican nation to which I have the glory to belong. I have the honor to transmit to your Excellency, a small map of the Island and Bay of Galveston, a highly interesting Sea-Port and the best in the State, as is evident to your Excellency. The map is not as perfect as I could wish, for the want of proper instruments, but I shall very shortly be able to send you another more correct, and on a larger scale; for the present, I only beg of you to condescend to receive this as an indication of my best wishes. God and Liberty, ~an Felipe de Austin, 4 th February 1825. Most Excellent Sir, STEPHEN F. AUSTIN, To His Excellency the Governor, of the State of Coahuila and Texas.

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