THE AUSTIN PAPERS. 1031 which I have got the Favor of Mr. Foster to hand you: the scarcity of money and the Dulness of times has made business very hard to settle in this Parish, not bei.1;tg able to settle my business to my satis- faction has prevented by returning· and made it necessary that I should make another crop on Red River, when I hope I shall be able to Lea\'e the Parish without any Difficulty- the prospect of the price of cotton the next crop is Flattering. all state sales of the present crop have been very good :from Eighteen to Twenty two cents and still looking up, which has made Considerable of a change in this Parish. I hope that I shall be able to see you again in July or August, there are a number of young men from this Parish talk of going out this summer. :Mr. Stewart informs me that he made no selection of Lands before leaving the Colony. I hope sir you will be so good as to make a reserve for me on some part of the Bernard River of some of the unsettled Land. from the number of Travelers that have passed through this settlement going to your Colony I ex- pect you have had a great many applicants for Land. If the one half oi them have reached you Colony I believe you have not been Idle.. The young man that will accompany Mr. Foster Mr: Grant, I hope you will find a Ver:ry useful man being and·excellent work- man he is also much Respected in this parish as good member of society-If the Lands of the Bernard are not all Taken, and·you have not made any Choice for me, I will get the Favor of Mr. Foster to attend to it and also to make a small Improvement on it for me, I shall be glad to Receive a few Lines from you on Mr. Fosters Re- turn- I am with Respect yours DAVID H. HOLSTEIN [Mr. Stephen F. Austin] Favor of Mr. Foster Province of Texas.
Lower settleinent February 2 nd 1825 DEAR Sm I take the liberty of trubling you with a few lines when the lines of the half leage I gett in this settlement w.ere run they were Extended 13 hundred bars in the prairie if you allow mee anny more I wish itt on the Benard I hope you will ri.Uow mee a half leage more and not leave me singular to my self I hope to Bee able to make you some payment this spring and if I can doo no better I will sell you some to pay for the rest Although I should consider - my self robing my family to doo so If you Jett me have anny more you will have itt in your power to know where there is good land and I will Be satisfied with anny you may designate mee I
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