THE AUSTIN PAPERS. 1029 have no doubt we might be mutually advantageous to each other with your aid in this business, I promise myself very favorable re- sults; I am confident you will grant it freely, as I am persuaded it would be more gratifying to you, to do business with your connec- tions and friends, than with strangers-I should be much delighted to see you here, but I pressume that is out of the question at present, perhaps your Brother may come, however- I sincerely condole with you, on the loss of youv dear Mother, it must have deprived you, of much joy that you had anticipated in making her happy the remainder of _her life-Poor Horace is gone also; I have no doubt he had much to contend with <luring the latter part of his life- I observe by last Evenings paper, that the Senate, on ,vednesday last, passed by a large majority to a third reading the Bill, authoriz- ing a road to be marked out from Missouri, to Mexico-This I should suppose would be a good thing for you-pressume it must pass -very near you- Mr Honey has arrived at Baltimore from St. Louis, will proceed Mr Dall informs us to Washington, and then make New York a visit-we shall be glad to see him, never having that pleasure, and through him, shall hear I pressume many particulars about our friends, those few that are left, (and of those that are gone) in that quarter, of whom we have heard but very little for years past-wo have heard within a few days of the marriage of :Mary Holleys Daughter Harriet, to 1v1r. Brant of Kentucky, I know not whether you ever saw her or not- Jany 31. from this morning paper-" In the Senate the Bill authorizing_ the President to cause a road to be marked out be- tween the western frontier of Missouri and the Internal Provinces of 1viexico, was read a third time passed and sent to the House for con- currence-" I wish you to state the prices of such articles as you may recommend will command with you-"\Vith my compliments to your Brother, I remain with sincere regard, and affection Your friend -
AnoH AusTIN [Rubric]
Colorado District 30 th J amrnry 1825
Mr .Alley informs me that he informed you Previous of my Being in town that their was but one League of Land in the 14 th League and that is for Blienfort and McVain it appears to me that I am not to guit any that I make Choice of as I made Coice of two Places Bv the Eagle Lake first you gave to Blufort second to Col 0 Ross 'i
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