The Austin Papers, Vol. 1 Pt. 2




Woodville 27 th Sept. 1826

Dr Sm, I have :how made my arrangements to send two or three hands to some time in the. winter, to make a Crop next year, but I find it impracticable for me to move my family and hands for sev- eral years, therefore I write this particularly to know from you, if I am there myself and make a Crop, will it be sufficient to hold my land, with the title I already have. I am anxious you would write to me by the first of November on this subject-if you think this will not answer I will probably decline the undertaking. Wm. P. PERKINS. Give my respects to Coln Pettis and Mr. Williams. [Addressed:] Coln Stephen F. Austin, Texas Doctr Kennndy. REFERENDUM ON INDIAN 'RELATIONS In Consequence of the depredations commited by the Weco or 'l'ahuacana Indians in stealing horses from the frontier of this Col- ony great excitement has been produced, and some of the settlers ex- press a wish to commence open war with said tribes. On hearing of the Comanche War at San Antonio, I wrote to the Chief of Depart- ment on the 20 th of Augt Stating the situation of this Colony and our illy prepared state for War, owing to our scattered settlements our weak numbers, the scarcity of Arms, Amunition and Horses fit for long and active service such as an expedition into the Indian Country etc and asked permission for this settlement to avail them- selves of the friendly dispos~tions of the Indians to remain Neutral. Subsequently I received an order from the Military Commandant dated 2i■t. Augt to attack the Wacos without delay and destroy their Viilages, this order was suspended by another dated the 26 th of Augt by which I am informed that a body of Comanches was at the Waco Village and the attack directed by the order of the 21 st was in consequence suspended untill I should hear of the departure of the · Comanches but repeating the injunction to attack the Wacos, the first· favourable opportunity, the 8 th of September I acknowledged the receipt of the two last mentioned orders and availing myself of the·descretion given in the last one as to the time and mode of Com~ mencinu the vVar, I informed the Military Commandant, that in consequ~nce of the number of sick and the necessity of gathering our crops it would be impossible to commence hostilities at present nd that I should therefore wait an answer to my proposition to :he Govt of the 20 th of Augt relative to a State of neutralship be-

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